Others Life

by David Delgado Ruiz (Spain)



Others Life talk about a reality inside mass tourism, but totally out of it. An old man, alone in Lisbon, he talks four lenguajes,
Others Life talk about a reality inside mass tourism, but totally out of it. An old man, alone in Lisbon, he talks four lenguajes,
Looks like a couple, but this is not exactly what it is. This people are there because of an ilegal activity, they need to pay for a trip to paradise
Looks like a couple, but this is not exactly what it is. This people are there because of an ilegal activity, they need to pay for a trip to paradise
One of the older. A man who own it. He´s out of the meeting tourist points in the city. he sell books and antiquities.
One of the older. A man who own it. He´s out of the meeting tourist points in the city. he sell books and antiquities.
 A man who looks every day how to find a way of life. A painter, maybe. A procurer, a pimp. They feels no pain, he ´s who own their zone, chief of women´s life.
A man who looks every day how to find a way of life. A painter, maybe. A procurer, a pimp. They feels no pain, he ´s who own their zone, chief of women´s life.
An old woman, talking to his friend. the city is full of people, tourist are around everything but they talk each other in a bubble, in some kind of stopped time.
An old woman, talking to his friend. the city is full of people, tourist are around everything but they talk each other in a bubble, in some kind of stopped time.