By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
No problem, we are here to help! When things don't go as planned, Zurich's expert claims team can help to resolve your claim as quickly and efficiently as possible. Please follow the following steps to start your claim:
If you are in Brazil, please call: 0800-014-3029
If you are abroad, call: +55 (11) 2101-2948 *
Or send an email to:
* * This phone number accepts collect calls
Depending on your case, what's happened to you or the Travel Insurance plan you bought, the claims process may be slightly different.
We're confident the Zurich service team will help you understand your cover, how to make your claim and what to do next.
If you need a Claim Form, you are in the right place.
Click the button below to open the form.
DownloadAfter downloading the form, read the instructions carefully and fill in each part of the form as instructed, in Portuguese.
Remember, the more details you provide, the faster your claims service can be.
Plus, it's important to always tell the truth and be factual.
Once you've completed the form and gathered the documents required to submit with your claim, it's time to send us your information. Send the completed form to:
Do not worry, all the information that you provide in your claim is protected by our Privacy Policy.
We will confirm receipt of your claim, review the details and then we will contact you.
Antes de viajar, consulte as atualizações da anvisa sobre alertas e restrições para seu destino.
Please select your country of residence