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    Water & Sanitation

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Project Outcome 

The project aims were met when 4kms of pipeline where installed from the borehole reserve tanks to a water station at the Kakoi Primary School, bringing a supply of running water to the school students. 

This improved water access means removes the need for women and children to walk long distances to collect water, leaving them with more time to dedicate to other activities such as attending school and caring for young children, tending to animals and gardens. 

The improved sanitation of the water lifts the hygiene standards for the students, which in turn impacts on their attendance at school.

The community were heavily involved in this project, digging trenches and laying pipeline. The project was very well received by the students, teachers and parents of the Kakoi Secondary School.

Project Impact

“The project was well programmed, designed and timely, longed for by Kakoi Primary school pupils and the villagers. The smiling faces of the student, parents, teachers, volunteers, leaders and elders was eminent when the Kakoi water project proved to be a reality.” - David ole Moonka. G.M Osupuko Lodges and Camps, and Project Manager

Next Steps? 

The School Head Mistress has requested the following future projects:

1. Construct a Kindergarten classroom in September 2015

2. Water tanks in 2016

3. Security fence around the school perimeter in 2016

Can I visit this project? 

Yes, find out more about World Expeditions’ Community Project Travel opportunities. 

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