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"The Key Teacher Training course goes from strength to strength and was this year further helped by the calmer political situation in Nepal. A total of 33 Key teachers were trained as Teacher Trainers, and they then, with the AHF volunteers, trained in the Australian Himalayan Foundation Refresher Workshops more than 250 Teachers from over 76 schools. This model and program continues to get more and more cost-effective and successful The Australian Volunteer Trainers continue to make a valuable contribution to the effectiveness of this training."
Jim Strang, Project Co-ordinator.

"Following the Key Teacher Workshop the increase in Key Teacher confidence was marked. During the year Key Teachers have visited and supported the schools in their cluster, and the contribution they have made has been significant. We continue to be encouraged by the efforts teachers are making in their classrooms to improve their own teaching and the learning of the children"

An AHF teacher volunteer.

(Update posted 17 April 2008)

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