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The central aim of this project was to provide an positive learning environment through the upgrade of the school in the village of Balang just outside of Siem Reap, Cambodia. Over 4 days (from 5th-8th November 2008 ) the project included the painting of the school rooms internally and externally, general maintenance of roof and windows and the construction of a small kitchen attached to the school for daily school meals.


The project aims were met by the 17 participants on the World Expeditions group who physically worked together, in challenging conditions, to help complete the work tasks that were identified. There were a few tasks left outstanding by the time the participants left and it is reported that these have been completed by local skilled labour. 

A decision to build a small kitchen at the end of the classroom was made in addition to the planned renovations, the materials for which were paid for by the participants.

Additionally, a donation of US$1190 has been made to the school to fund the local teacher’s salary for 1 year.


The conditions during the project were notably strenuous with high humidity and excessive rain fall. Communication was at times difficult between the skilled local labour and participants.

(Update posted 13 May 2009)

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