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In addition to the Teacher Training program’s expansion to new valleys, the Australian Himalayan Foundation has maintained a commitment to the Key Teacher Training program it began 3 years ago in the Khumbu valley. This year it was attended by 17 teachers - 14 from Solukhumbu, and three from the Kangchenjunga region to the east of Nepal.

Project Overview

The Key Teacher Training Workshop was held from 30th November to 5th December 2008 at Salleri in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal.

The role of Key teachers

Each Key Teacher provides in-school support for the three or four schools closest to their own school. They commit to visiting each school at least three times each year.

During school visits, the Key Teachers visit classrooms and observe classes, undertake demonstration teaching, provide in-school training, monitor changes in relation to the refresher workshop themes, and monitor the use of the teaching resources provided by the program.

Project objectives

The objectives of the workshop were:

  • Review of the year’s development in the schools and Key Teachers’ work
  • Leadership and life skills development of the Key Teachers
  • Strengthening the teachers’ assessment skills and evaluation of the children's work
  • Practice good habits of mind and developing  creativity in all the subject teaching
  • Understand and practice participatory workshop methods and training styles
  • Understand the structure of a workshop and prepare session content for teacher training workshop
  • Use of effective communication skills and facilitation skills during the workshop

Course Evaluation

  • Key teachers appreciated their life skills development and leadership development. Once again the learning styles and creative thinking topics were popular.
  • Key teachers reported positive interactions with teacher, principals and school management committees. Teachers were using child friendly methods of teaching and adopting materials introduced in previous training.
  • Libraries have been set up for the Room to Read books.

"The new political situation has made teachers much more relaxed and hopeful. The improvement in classrooms this year has been very obvious. The Key teachers have visited the schools regularly, and the latest Nepali curriculum changes give a real focus to the refresher courses. Thousands of students learn better because of this opportunity. Thank you Australian Himalayan Foundation."
Bhim Bogati Nepali Teacher Trainer

Challenges and Recommendations

  • The project challenges are that there is still a minority of teachers who are unable or unwilling to adopt the new teaching methods, as well as students who do not attend school.
  • It is recommended to continue with the Key Teacher Training courses on the proviso that we increase the numbers attending the course to the levels in 2007 and 2008.
  • It is also recommended that we try to explore ways in which creative methods can be introduced to all schools in the region.

Program partners

Jim Strang, a New Zealand teacher who was instrumental in establishing in 1998 the Teacher Training program run by Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trust is the project coordinator. On the ground the operation is managed by REED (Rural Education and Environmental Development), a Nepalese NGO based in Kathmandu who have worked with Jim from the outset. A further dimension to the project is the contribution of a select team of volunteer teachers.

Program achievements

During its development the program

  • Has gained unqualified support from the local District Education Office as well as the village development committees and the school management committees.
  • Fully accredited by the Nepal Council for Education Development
  • Been evaluated by UNICEF and identified as a model for educational development in Nepal.

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