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    South Africa

The Project which was based in the Eastern Cape region of South Africa, provided comprehensive primary eye care training and involved over 350 health workers during 2009.   The program was designed by, and master trainers were provided by, the International Centre of Eye Care Education with The Fred Hollows Foundation implementing the program.

Project outcomes

The results were amazing:

  • 27 ophthalmic nurses and clinic supervisors were trained in primary eye care.  Of these 27 people, 24 then undertook a further 2-day primary eye care “train the trainer” program
  • 105 professional nurses were trained by these newly appointed trainers, but with the guidance and assistance of the master trainer from the original training organisation
  • 250 community health workers are in the process of being trained in primary eye care by these professional nurses

In addition, The Fred Hollows Foundation South Africa has supported three nurses to undertake a 12-month ophthalmic nursing course.  Initially, this training was planned to take place at the Lilitha Nursing College, however due to delays in commencing this course in Lilitha, the training will take place at the Baragwanath Hospital in Johannesburg.
There are another 6 nurses scheduled for training as ophthalmic nurses in Baragwanath in early 2010.   

Future of this project

The Fred Hollows Foundation will continue to monitor the eye health workers who have been trained by The Foundation and to monitor the results of this training which will be an increase in the number of sight-restoring surgeries performed in the Eastern Cape of South Africa.

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