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Project costs:

Providing educational resources to schools is crucial to the long-term success of The Australian Himalayan Foundation’s Quality Education Program in Nepal. In these impoverished communities even a picture book is a luxury and computers are completely unheard of.

This project will ensure a regular supply of materials like pens, paper, writing books and textbooks to classrooms that are extremely bare and basic. Without support for these supplies, delivering an education is near impossible.

Project objectives

The project objectives are closely aligned to the UN Millennium Development Goal 2 (MDG2) and include:

  • developing child centred teacher training methods
  • providing relevant and appropriate teaching resources
  • increasing teacher and child attendance enrolment and in particular girls’ attendance in schools
  • Enhancing community support for schools by improving the relevance of education practices for children in poor rural communities

Background on Quality Education program

This is the 9th year (of a 12 year program cycle) that builds on the legacy left by Sir Edmund Hillary who built the first schools in the area.

The AHF’s program extends beyond the more affluent communities in the Everest region (known as the Upper Solu Khumbu) visited by many thousands of trekkers each year, to districts in the Lower Solu Khumbu that are away from the tourist trails and in dire need of educational support.

Project partners

The Australian Himalayan Foundation's project partners are REED (Rural Education and Environment Development) in Nepal – a local organisation that has conducted programs in the Solu Khumbu for the last 12 years and whose work is recognised as a centre of excellence by the Nepal Department of Education.

The Australian Himalayan Foundation is a registered charitable organisation and a member of the Australian Council for International Development.


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