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The Australian Himalayan Foundation’s first Teacher Training & Quality Education (TTQE) program was inspired by the work of Sir Edmund Hillary’s Himalayan Trust that has benefited the Everest (Khumbu) district of Nepal since 1961.    

In 2005, the Australian Himalayan Foundation first started working with local Nepalese NGO, REED (Rural Education & Environmental Development) to develop a program to improve the quality of education in the Everest district.  

Nine years later, this long-­-term program is improving the education of over 42,000 children in approximately 300 schools in the entire Solu Khumbu region, with 1700 teachers receiving training.  

This program is divided into five three year project cycles and we have just completed work in the district of Nele – one of the most impoverished districts in the region.

What we've achieved:

  • We are please to confirm that over 90% of the teachers in primary schools in Nele attended training workshops during this past year.
  • The main Teacher Training Workshop and the Refresher Workshops targeted 315 teachers from all 59 schools in the region.    
  • A Key Teacher Workshop was also conducted, involving 19 teachers in the district.
  • To date, over 55 local teachers have been trained as part of the Key Teacher Workshops and these teachers have all now successfully become teacher-trainers themselves, which speaks to the sustainable, long term nature of the program.
  • To support this training workshops, in-school support was provided in all schools in Nele throughout the school year and targeted all 350 teachers in the district
  • In the Sotang district, three refresher workshops targeted 480 teachers from the 78 schools along with one Key Teacher Workshop, which targeted 20 teachers in the district     
  • In the Khumbu district two refresher workshops were conducted targeting 375 teachers from the 70 schools in the district as well as a Ket Teacher Training Workshop that targeted 18 teachers from all schools in the district.

Photo: Delisha (pictured on the left) is 10 years old and lives with her brother and sister and her mother, Gita, in the village of Nele.  Thanks to the Teacher Training & Quality Education program, Delisha now attends school, has proper shoes to wear, a school uniform and textbooks and picture books to use. Her teacher, Tek (pictured in the top photo) has attended Teacher training and his classroom is now an interactive and fun place to learn.

"We developed a good rapport with the training team. They presented lessons according to their knowledge and strengths. The volunteers with leadership roles and a wide experience of teaching strategies and methods were most useful"
June Hughes, Australian Himalayan Foundation Teaching Volunteer


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