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    Water & Sanitation

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This project has provided new and improved water facilities for the village of Kinumbuk

  • 56 households enjoy clean water
  • Construction of new dam and water reservoir
  • Technical training for water committee
  • Rehabilitation of existing water reservoir
  • Additional 850m of piping
  • Six tapstands

Kinumbuk communities were relocated after the devastating 2010 Mentawai tsunami hit the island chain off West Sumatra, Indonesia. In collaboration with IBU Foundation, SurfAid built a gravity water system in Kinumbuk in 2011.  However that system did not cover the eastern part of the village so additions and improvements were needed to provide the remaining eight households with clean water via tapstands.

Firstly, the place for water intake was moved higher up the river to increase the pressure and flow through gravity and a new dam was built to collect river water.

A water reservoir was also built in the village with taps for washing clothes. Six new tap stands were also constructed in the village as places to collect water.

An additional 850m of pipe system was added to ensure the water would reach all 202 community members.

SurfAid trained the five members of the water committee in basic technical construction and maintenance. All construction work was done by the community members for the community members (gotong royong) supported by the members of the water committee.

Photo: "I like the way SurfAid  works together with our community. We are involved from the start.” Mr Pak Nene, Kinumbuk resident

Part of a larger project

This clean water project is part of the Mother and Child Health Program that SurfAid is implementing in South Pagai Island until March 2016. Through training community health volunteers, vegetable gardens and hygiene promotion activities, SurfAid increases the independence and health status of communities.

The Mother and Child Health Program aims to significantly improve the health of relocated communities in South Pagai though improved hygiene and sanitation practices, and improved access to, and quality of, community health services.  Clean water is essential for this!

Water supply and sanitation projects and hygiene promotion should always go hand-in-hand. Implementing them together leads to the greatest health benefit and is considered a best practice in the sector.

Hand washing with soap is one of the most cost-effective ways of reducing infectious diseases. Therefore the tapstands are so important. Hand washing with soap is expected to lead to reductions in diarrhoeal diseases, a common cause of morbidity and a leading cause of death among children under five.

SurfAid Country Director Anne Wuijts said SurfAid would like to thank The Footprints Network and their supporters for their fantastic donations to this important project. “This contribution has made a significant difference to the lives of children and their families,”  Wuijts said.

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