A story of social alienation. Women in India.

by Anna Kravtsova



Speaking on the subject of women in India and looking back to the origins and history of their problems, and seeing the situation with my own eyes, it is clear that women in India feel that they do not occupy an important place in society. Women's actions are constrained and they are subjected to pressure and violence, not to mention the fact that they have become a burden for their families. In the eyes, gestures and behavior of each of the women, it is impossible to hide the heavy burden that has been imposed on them for many generations.
Speaking on the subject of women in India and looking back to the origins and history of their problems, and seeing the situation with my own eyes, it is clear that women in India feel that they do not occupy an important place in society. Women's actions are constrained and they are subjected to pressure and violence, not to mention the fact that they have become a burden for their families. In the eyes, gestures and behavior of each of the women, it is impossible to hide the heavy burden that has been imposed on them for many generations.
Rape is one of the most common crimes against women in India. A number of crimes is growing every year.
Rape is one of the most common crimes against women in India. A number of crimes is growing every year.
Female infanticide is the elected killing of a newborn female child or the termination of a female fetus through sex-selective abortion. In India, there is incentive to have a son, because they offer security to the family in old age and are able to conduct rituals for deceased parents and ancestors. In contrast, daughters are considered to be a social and economic burden. An example of this is dowry. The fear of not being able to pay an acceptable dowry can lead to female infanticide.
Female infanticide is the elected killing of a newborn female child or the termination of a female fetus through sex-selective abortion. In India, there is incentive to have a son, because they offer security to the family in old age and are able to conduct rituals for deceased parents and ancestors. In contrast, daughters are considered to be a social and economic burden. An example of this is dowry. The fear of not being able to pay an acceptable dowry can lead to female infanticide.
Women in India face a lot of social inequalities ranging from gender specific abortions, mistreatment by their spouses. Most women aren't aware of women rights in India and other times their legal rights are not protected as they should be.
Women in India face a lot of social inequalities ranging from gender specific abortions, mistreatment by their spouses. Most women aren't aware of women rights in India and other times their legal rights are not protected as they should be.
These are strong women who, despite the social helplessness they feel every day, continue their difficult lives, but sadly, their numbers are becoming fewer and fewer all the time.
These are strong women who, despite the social helplessness they feel every day, continue their difficult lives, but sadly, their numbers are becoming fewer and fewer all the time.