Lived - were ...

by Alexander Stepanenko



Nina Udalova (82 years) sad about her Russian stove.
Nina Udalova (82 years) sad about her Russian stove.
Alla Travina and Nina Udalova pull sleds with a can of river water.
Alla Travina and Nina Udalova pull sleds with a can of river water.
Alla Travina (83 years) straightens h?r handkerchief.
Alla Travina (83 years) straightens h?r handkerchief.
Alla Travina and Nina Udalova suffer and throws chopped firewood.
Alla Travina and Nina Udalova suffer and throws chopped firewood.
Arkhangelsk  village Small Ozerki is dying , houses are being collapsed  and become empty. Only in the last 25 years in the village stables have been burned, calf shed has been collapsed, shop has been closed. There is no work, youth leaves, the old people die. Few pensioners in Small Ozerki attain the age. Heroes of my photo story - Alla Travina (83 years) and Nina Udalova (82 years). All life aunt Alla was working at the farm and Aunt Nina at the post office. They are alone in their old age: children have left to work in the city ...  They support themselves, sad, be bored but their spirit doesn't not fall!
Arkhangelsk village Small Ozerki is dying , houses are being collapsed and become empty. Only in the last 25 years in the village stables have been burned, calf shed has been collapsed, shop has been closed. There is no work, youth leaves, the old people die. Few pensioners in Small Ozerki attain the age. Heroes of my photo story - Alla Travina (83 years) and Nina Udalova (82 years). All life aunt Alla was working at the farm and Aunt Nina at the post office. They are alone in their old age: children have left to work in the city ... They support themselves, sad, be bored but their spirit doesn't not fall!