The wild hunters

by Bhishma Thapa (Nepal)



THE WALK (after the new bloosome of spring the the  wild honey hunters from Nepal harvest honey, few days far from their village in jungle they harvest this wild honey also know as mad honey.)
THE WALK (after the new bloosome of spring the the wild honey hunters from Nepal harvest honey, few days far from their village in jungle they harvest this wild honey also know as mad honey.)
PERPERATION (a young hunter is preparing for the harvest they climb down hundreds of feet clif to harvest this honey without any modern technology or safety all they have is their ancestors blessing and tenique.)
PERPERATION (a young hunter is preparing for the harvest they climb down hundreds of feet clif to harvest this honey without any modern technology or safety all they have is their ancestors blessing and tenique.)
(THE COURAGE) the honeycomb with the arc of around 3 feet weighing around 100kg and the wasp of angry bees attacking you in full power and you  lie there unprotecte.
(THE COURAGE) the honeycomb with the arc of around 3 feet weighing around 100kg and the wasp of angry bees attacking you in full power and you lie there unprotecte.
THE HARVEST ( the only thing between you and thousands of bees is the smoke, other hunters create the smoke to make the harvest easy..)
THE HARVEST ( the only thing between you and thousands of bees is the smoke, other hunters create the smoke to make the harvest easy..)
THE SWEET MAD HONEY ( this wild bees Apis laboriosa are the largest bees in the world size double of normal honeybees they pollen the wild flowers high in the mountains thats is the reason for the psychedelic nature,)
THE SWEET MAD HONEY ( this wild bees Apis laboriosa are the largest bees in the world size double of normal honeybees they pollen the wild flowers high in the mountains thats is the reason for the psychedelic nature,)