Living unfiltered in a filtered world?

by Lauren Monroe (United States of America)

The last thing I expected Indonesia


In a world where filters and angles seem to rule every photo we see, my goal was to disconnect, grow, and explore- and to see it all in person- unfiltered and all. It is the moments no one really wants to talk about. When you get to a place that you have dreaming of your entire life, only to see it basically destroyed and trodden with tourist footsteps. Jammed so packed you can’t even squeeze yourself in for a selfie. Years of history destroyed for modern moments. To the point you quietly ask yourself will this even be here in 100 years? And only for a fleeting second on a feed somewhere thousands of miles away. Moments like this make you think, humble you, make you want to be more mindful and conscious of the earth. These moments make you crave the path less traveled. The unfiltered. The path ‘less traveled’ is often discovered while exploring, or in less fanciful terms, when you’re utterly lost. The times that catch you off guard, scare you. Getting lost in the winding roads in a foreign country and finding yourself at a dead end which just happens to be a secluded gem in the flurry of famous. Being the only one there and reaffirming that true, untouched places still exist in their unfiltered beauty. So rare you almost don’t even want to share it. An epiphany. Now every moment isn’t sweet tears of epiphany. Sprinkled in are the long nights sleeping under the ever-present fluorescent lights in the airport and waking up next day with eyes bloodshot so red that you would never imagine posting without that Valencia filter. But after finding your next destination, the beauty of present somehow completely dissipates any crick in your neck or burn in your eyes from previous nights. It’s finding that glimmer of wifi not so you can boast but so you can share with those closest to you in the private album that doesn’t see the light of any social media. The album doesn’t show only the perfect, flawless photos, but the outtakes and bloopers of each day as well. To keep these is a reminder that life is an unfiltered journey that you are discovering firsthand. I am not the social media ‘queen’ that most of the masses aspire to be- I have dark circles from long nights at the airport, wrinkles from hours of delirious laughter, both disappointing and beautiful stories to tell, and a little chubbiness from the many home-cooked meals that have filled my belly. But with this I have a lifetime stories to tell, and hopefully many more to come. This is my unfiltered world.