
by Amelia Snyder (United States of America)

The last thing I expected USA


Nature is bound by disruption; the universe has been crafted through a mysterious expansion through which we derive beauty. I would like to show the world that peace comes with acceptance of nature’s imperfections. I came to this realization while sitting upon a grassy hilltop on the Big Island. Looking out at the vast expanse of nature before me, I traced the scars of the mountain. Following the paths of former lava flows with my imagination, I saw a strange kind of destruction that somehow facilitated the creation of new ecosystems. Biological diversity is scattered and cracked. Somehow these varying consistencies of soil and shrubbery seemed… serene. Rubble has no prejudice. Strumming my guitar, I fell into a deep serenity that embodied my soul. Each chord acted as a catharsis of negative thought. The melodies in my head rang true, we can find beauty in the imperfect. Self-judgement became irrelevant as my insecurities were absorbed by the diverse ‘aina. The soft clouds above me seemingly held all of the answers; each occurrence in life has meaning, so we must accept and move on. You see, these frozen water particles in the sky have floated around the world seeing every visible emotion and action of a human being. They dropped snow on my skin as I paced outside the emergency room doors, hoping to see my father's smiling face once again. They dropped rain onto my face, hiding the tears as I said goodbye to New Hampshire. They colored the backdrop of pink and red, as my mother genuinely spoke, “your flaws are perfect to me." My personality had been molded by these experiences, and like the grass and the clouds, painted my own personal portrait. These elements of nature provoked a new awareness of my surroundings. Judgement was pushed aside and I was able to see society in a new light: a group of imperfect people making mistakes and growing together. If nature is composed of irregular texture and color, and personality is a product of one’s environment, then as a result the human race can never be uniform. Our beautiful cracks have illustrated a history so magnificent, even the molten rock flowing miles beneath my feet is in awe. I find my abstract perfection through exploration. Each element in the environment has a purpose, therefore deserves to be treated with respect. This includes every human being.