The Turning Point as a Traveler

by Brittney St.Amant (Canada)

A decision that pushed me to the edge Canada


I have always dreamt of traveling the world – I would lay awake at night dreaming of all the possibilities to see breathtaking landscapes, taste the ethnic food, converse with the locals, and learn the rich history of each place I would visit. At the time I had been finishing my university degree when I began questioning the meaning of travel – I wanted to know what the stories behind the experiences were. It was on a cold winter night that I spontaneously booked a one-way flight across the world to a tropical paradise to begin a story that would change my life forever. A month later, I packed my bags and landed in Southeast Asia with nothing more than my first-night stay booked. Fear should have been my initial instinct but instead, I was overwhelmed with the invigorating sense of freedom. Freedom to run, play, and laugh – and to see and do as much as I possibly could. I was excited to experience and learn the stories of the people around me and to take part in the unique culture. My passion for writing and photography became all too clear throughout this journey as I was always eager to wake up at the crack of dawn each day to run around and capture the natural lives of the people, the wild waves of the ocean, the majestic tropical jungles, and the sweet goodbyes as the sun kissed the earth goodnight at the end of each day – all to tell a story. A story for my own personal pleasure to look back on and for the people that have read my stories or swiped through my photos in hopes of inspiring a bit of joy, motivation, and wanderlust. I had trekked across Asia for six months and had kept a travel journal with me every step of the way. When I got home, I knew I needed to share the stories and experiences I had the opportunity to be a part of – so, I started my own travel blog. Months later, I felt this deep nagging from within – that I needed to get out and explore and to do and see much more. That initial one-way ticket had pushed me to the edge of any life I had before it all began. I knew in this moment that I would never be able to go back to the life I was living before. Travel has planted its roots deep within my soul and I am forever wandering to find the experiences and stories to set my soul on fire.