Unity in Diversity

by Sweetlin Arockia Mary (India)

Making a local connection India


"Unity in diversity" that's what they call as the beauty of India. Imagine a marriage where two cultures meet and mingle, but can barley communicate with each other. Well that's what happened in my friends wedding and here is what i witnessed. I was all set for this wonderful journey and my flight was at six in the morning from Bengaluru airport, It was a 2 hours connective flight to Kolkata and another hour from Kolkata to Imphal,Capital of state Manipur a place which has its own share in World war II's history. Landed in Kolkata, we had a wait of about three hours for our flight to Imphal. The airport was filled with people who dearly show immense faith in Goddess Kali, no wonder they call this as "Beautiful Bengal".The land beneath us started to become visible,floating lake,water filled paddy fields and the houses all of them contributing to the site of a country side. As we reached Imphal we are welcomed by brides family. The Groom's father and the Brides father exchanged their greetings despite the fact neither know the language spoken by the other.I was taken to the bride's home.we had our lunch.Rice and fermented fish are major contributors to their everyday meal.As the big day started.The bride prepared for the first event of the wedding, she have to make two garlands of jasmine with help of her sisters which will be used in the wedding.While the groom was at his hotel preparing for his big day. As the ceremony started brides relative, friends and Family had gathered around in the hall prepared for the wedding,The men were all in whites(refers to Pride and Power) while the ladies dressed up in all bright colours(Beauty of flowers).the groom had made his entrance, He was dressed up like a King, literally the attire used by the Kings of Manipur and was made to sit in the centre of the hall.The wedding singers started to chant the songs of their tradition and mantras being said by the Priest.The bride was out, she was stunning with her jewellery and tiara. her clothes in green and red.she was walked over to the centre by her sister.she cannot sit near the groom until she completes her worship of the groom by going around him seven times, while the singers sang the love of Goddess Radha and Lord Krishna.the bride took her seat beside the groom after the ritual, the priest handed over the garlands made by bride.The garland was exchanged between them ,the wait was over and now the two hearts filled with love have been united amongst friends and family.