Castle beauty of Alexandria

by Julius Odeke (Uganda)

A leap into the unknown Uganda


It was annoying at the time when I was asked to leave the comfort of my hotel Al Forsan, a prestigious hotel in Cairo city in order to visit Alexandria city. Alexandria is a magnificent city located in the Mediterranean Sea, North West of Egypt port that portends an ancient outlook of earlier civilization, my visit to Alexandria became a treasure and a memorable area that has remained in my memory for the better. As a practising Christian, setting foot in Alexandria the second largest city in Egypt looked and still looks to me like a temporal visit to heaven. Alexandria city, which is known as "The Pearl of the Mediterranean” is the main summer resort and tourist attraction, due to its public and private beaches and ancient history and museums, especially the Bibliotheca Alexandria library which revived the ancient Library of Alexandria. The tour guide, Islam Mohammed, said many locals in Alexandria refer to this beautiful city as ‘Alex’ a short form of Alexandria. Capped with greenery topography, Alex has an atmosphere that is more Mediterranean than Middle Eastern. By car, it only takes one at least four hours drive from Cairo city to Alexandria city, depending on which lane the driver chooses to drive from the onset. The cool atmosphere is the first to warmly welcome you to Alexandria as you quickly see people’s faces begin to look fresh an indication that they are now out of the non-humid pressure from the desert areas of Egypt. The ambience and cultural heritage of Alexandria city distance it from the rest of the country although it is actually only 225 km from Cairo, the capital city of Egypt. Smaller than Cairo, Alexandria has a total population of at least 9 million people and on a daily basis, it attracts at least 3,000 tourists from various parts of the world. However, it should be noted that Egyptian themselves love their country; “The number of local tourists is gaining momentum with the youth visiting historic sites in their country,” said Islam Mohammed. A practice not appreciated in Uganda despite the fact that the country has many historical and tourists’ sites. It’s a common practice in Uganda, to hear many people say, “I do not know where the Rwenzori Mountains, Queen Elizabeth Game Park, etc, are located.” Alex is a Mediterranean port city in Egypt. During the Hellenistic period, it was home to a lighthouse ranking among the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World as well as a storied library. Today, the library is reincarnated in the disc-shaped, ultramodern Bibliotheca Alexandrina. “Which country won the contract to design the architectural design of this famous library? Hassan Khaleem, our tour guide asks. Many people quickly mentioned The US, but we were all wrong. “It’s Norway,” the nice-looking slender female guide told the crowd as she was pointing at various artefacts that depicted the ancient technology. The city also has Greco-Roman landmarks, old-world cafes and sandy beaches. Being from a landlocked country where beaches are rare, I supper-glued my eyes to the beaches and how people enjoyed them. Founded by Alexander the Great in 331 BC, Alexandria became the capital of Graeco-Roam Egypt, it's status as a beacon of culture symbolized by Pharos, the legendary lighthouse that was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The setting for the stormy relationship between Cleopatra and Mark Antony, Alexandria was also the centre of learning in the ancient world. But ancient Alexandria declined, and when Napoleon landed in Alexandria city, he found a sparsely populated fishing village. From the 19th century, Alexandria took a new role, as a focus for Egypt's commercial and maritime expansion. This, Alexandria has been immortalized by writers like Forster and Cavafy. Generations of immigrants from Greece, Italy and the Levant settled here and made the city synonymous with commerce, cosmopolitanism and bohemian culture. Alexandria is a city to explore at random. It's as important to enjoy the atmosphere as it is to see the sights. Dinocrates built the Heptastadion, the causeway between Pharos and the mainland. This divided the harbours into the Western and Eastern. The Eastern harbour was really where the old harbour from the middle ages was located.