Finding Passion in an Unexpected Place

by Emma Roy (United States of America)

A leap into the unknown Peru


4,012 miles away from home, I was on my first mission trip out of the country. I dreaded from the first day I arrived in the foggy mountains outside of Lima, only knowing my mission would soon end. Two weeks went by in the blink of an eye. I procrastinated saying goodbye to our dear vecinos and their sweet children. It was time to go. I despised every second of this moment while attempting to avoid walking down the rough stairs for the last time. In due time this would all be a memory. We descended partway into the tiny hut with dirt floors where our backpacks lay. The joy I experienced over the span of two weeks, had merely dissolved in two seconds. Almost halfway to the bottom now and the sadness of leaving made my heart lethargic. Tears welling in my eyes I looked across foggy shacks below the mountain. Then it clicked, I found my purpose. Knowing your passion, your purpose in this life is a blessing as well as a curse. Daily obligations of home and school life become unbearable understanding that you are not doing what drives your happiness and fulfillment. You perceive you should be someplace else, thus comes a sense of guilt for not being there, contributing, making an impact. The place you feel you should be, that denied sense of purpose casts itself over as a constant daydream all while hauling the load of mundane tasks on your back. Nevertheless, my mom gave me a simple reminder, quoting St. Therese of Lisieux, "Miss no single opportunity of making some small sacrifice, here by a smiling look, there by a kindly word; always doing the smallest right and doing it all for love." Sometimes all that can be done is to serve others in our accustomed lives, no matter where, no matter how insignificant the action seems. That is what changes the world. We all desire to be loved and shown humanity. Those two weeks took their place as the happiest two weeks of my life. I long to see their shining eyes and giving hearts once more. Every moment in Lima, from the moment I opened my eyes to closing them at the end of the day, my heart was bursting with overflowing joy. The indescribable sentiment prevails all others. And, years later I still picture the young along with old, worn, and dust-covered faces in my heart and it makes me smile each time. Their simple joy and beauty that changed me forever. The indelible images remain as my simple reminders to be in the moment and to keep loving, to find purpose no matter where I may be. I long to see their shining eyes and their giving hearts once more, but they are now a part of me. I live happiest while serving others - I am the true me; in my element. I recognize that I am living my calling; I can physically see my purpose unfolding at my fingertips. I crave to help, teach, and love others with my whole being. Yet, even then, the people I serve will always give me more than I could ever provide them. They are my calling, my peace and happiness; my life.