Meeting Maggie

by Karl Wilder (Germany)

I didn't expect to find USA


I was allowed a trip to NY. A young teen working a job and a theatre I was involved with was arranging group travel to NY, with chaperones. It was considered safe and permission was granted. Maggie Smith was appearing on Broadway in Private Lives and I had a ticket for that very evening. With the group at Howard Johnson's eating some vile fried clams, I was letting my eyes wander at the crowd walking by when I spied Maggie Smith, who to my young heart was the greatest living actress. I said I needed the toilet and ran out of the restaurant chasing her down the street. She had a head start so I was running in cowboy boots and tight jeans. At the stage door I called her name tripped and skidded to her heels on my knees. She turned around, helped me up, took my hand took me inside the stage door, guided to a chair I was given a command "Sit". A few moments later she returned, opening the first aid kid she knelt in front of me. "Don't flinch, I've a son Toby and I've done this many times". Silent and intimidated I sat like a stone as she cleaned and bandaged my knee. Her ministrations complete she stood up, looked me in the eye and sternly said. "In the future if you want to meet someone, do not run screaming down the street, approach them slowly extend your hand and give your name. It is much more civilized and there is no blood." As she left with the first aid kit I still sat, unsure of what I should do next. She returned with a big smile and her hand upon her chest. "Oh look, I've a visitor." I took my cue. "Miss Smith my name is Karl Wilder and it is a pleasure to meet you." She took my hand, shook it and said... "Now, don't you think my way is better? Need I return you someplace or can you get there on your own?" "Thank you very much, I will be fine".