Remembrance of My First Trip to Switzerland

by Kim Duong (United States of America)

A leap into the unknown Switzerland


First step onto the train from Geneva to Fribourg, Switzerland relieved me after long hours of the flight. Staring outside while sitting onto my luggage for an hour before landing was quiet because I was standing in an area isolating from another passenger. That was my first train ride in Europe – and it felt fast! As soon as I landed, I met Zakhar – a friend whom is still my friend today but more than that – someone who showed me how to read a map. He was there to pick me up, but it took a couple times walking past each other at the train station before I recognized him with the first few words, ‘Are you Zakhar Tymchenko?’. He nodded with a smile – he was the first actual human whom I interacted with that could speak English. Slowly, I met more friends in class who were living among me in the dorm who often spoke about hiking near the Alphs mountains. The next day, I was there with them – I was astonished with the view – the mountains and Swiss food started to live in me. I realized I live in Switzerland after scrolling through pictures capture by a friend with her camera always in her hands. She showed me to live in the moment and capture the moment through your own way. Hers was her camera – but mine was long stare and not moving my body an inch from every scenic view. Coming back and worn out from the hiking, the next day I sat next to a friend who claimed to be a Swiss. We became great friends from lunch to drinking champagne in Vevey among the vineyard after finishing my class final exam. She introduced me to her best friend while in Vevey whom gave a tour of her family vineyard include a tour of wine barrel. The smell of grape wine still lingered in my memory because the wine smell contained not only the smell but the memory of friendship that wine can bring people closer. Every day I would chuck down a glass of beer – not to conform with the social norm but to savor the sweet taste and live like a Swiss. I walked everywhere especially after class to grab gelato with my friends then go to the farmer’s market to pick up fresh vegetables. Time didn’t fly by me – but slowly letting me live through the moment. Night life was fun on certain days but not on a Friday when my American friends and I decided to go out – the club was dead. Nobody was there so we were just having fun taking shots and dancing through the night. If being asked what I missed from my trip – I miss the people and their laughter outside of my dorm window in the middle of the night.