The best sundowners.

by Meghan Carroll (Japan)

I didn't expect to find Myanmar


At the time I chose to travel to Myanmar, the politic conflict in the North of the country made it a difficult decision to go. As a woman who typically travels alone, I am not a big risk taker, and place a high priority on my safety. That being said, after some research, it seemed as though it would be easy enough to avoid the conflicted areas. If I stuck to my plan of arriving in Yangon, and then did the 'Golden Triangle', consisting of Inle Lake, Mandalay and Bagan before returning to the capital, I should be safe. Inle Lake exceeded my expectations, proving to be the most beautiful stop on my trip. Waking up at dawn to witness the sunrise, and watching the fishermen expertly navigating their boats through the crystal clear waters of the lake provided a moment of connection I had not been expecting. Enjoying a simple yet delicious breakfast prepared for me by my hotel in my own boat while speeding across the massive expanse of the lake, stopping at various monasteries and markets was unforgettable. However, the most surprising discovery happened much later in the day. Myanmar is certainly not a country that comes to mind when one thinks of wine. I consider myself a wine enthusiast, so imagine my delight upon discovering that Inle Lake habits own winery. Located just under and hour by bicycle from the main hub of the town, and perched on the mountain, I arrived at the winery just before sunset. I was able to order a tasting set of the wines on the menu, before witnessing the sunset into the mountains, across the lake. The view from here was unforgettable, having spent the day touring the lake by boat, I was now able to observe to massive expanse from a different perspective, while making new friends and enjoying wine which was delightfully, delicious. As my new friends and I cycled back into town in the twilight, I couldn't help but laugh in surprise at this unexpected discovery.