The Rocks of Life

by Melanie Johannesson (Canada)

I didn't expect to find USA


The California coast is gathering pool for many land and water dwellers. I stand along the coast, inhaling the warm salt breeze As I think about the Flax fields back home in Manitoba. Both the sweetest color blue. Where one may become lost in their thoughts or dabble in the art of letting go. The sand beaches and rocks gather here to prevent the water from taking precious resources from the land. The rich foliage provides a place for the sweet sweet nectar to be harvested by the birds and the bees. The long piers give us a chance to be magical, allowing is to walk on water. People come to California for many different reasons. Maybe it’s the weather or maybe it’s the beauty or maybe it’s something unexpected. California is a state of mountainous beauty, forests, deserts, skyscrapers and movie stars. It seems to attract all kinds of people but I wonder why? To me it has become a place of magic. California repeatedly calls to me. I’ve travelled here 3 times in my life. First time as a child. What I remember most is driving down the coast. Two years ago I revisited the coast to see what I could uncover as I was healing from a Cancer diagnosis. The beaches have blessed me with knowledge that I could not see anywhere else. The old drunken man emerged from the sea as I journeyed down the path of a spiritual awakening. He spoke of shells and rocks and how the sea mirrors life on earth. He recited poetry and he informed me we would meet again on the mountain top. But which one I surely did not know. He led me to a man who had just constructed a tower of balancing rocks. Together we all spoke as if we’d known each other before. He shared with me what it takes to build a structure like this. All of the tenacity and little frustrations that arose and how he overcame them. What I realized after our encounter, the rock structure was a resemblance of me. As he poured water over the rocks they came to life, sparkling and shiny. The middle one mostly. It was a large rock shaped as a heart. I felt panicked yet alive. As the rocks wept so did I. The next day I watched the surfers. What could they teach me? Patience. Stamina. Balance. Notably three virtues that needed much attention in my life. Later that day on the beach I met Sister Felicity. She, or he, was a transgender nun. I stopped to chat as I was curious. She belonged to a group who were raising money for children’s charity. She/he also played a part in showing me what I needed to do. Perhaps showing me that I may have to balance my hormones? So why visit California? It is definitely more than meets the eye. Or maybe it’s a place to seek out a spiritual awakening? California does occupy a huge fault line after all. And maybe. Just maybe, it allows us to just crack open a little as well exposing our dark shadow. And in return we are guided by the light of the captivating sunsets and the people.