Why the chicken crossed the road .

by Jullan Aguilar (Japan)

A leap into the unknown Japan


It was May of 2017 when I first came to Japan. Just like every native speaker, I was given the easy opportunity to work as an English teacher, still am as a mater of fact. When the company recruiter interviewed me he asked “ Why do you want to work in Japan?” I answered him with all honesty , “It’s because I wanted to experience life in Japan not through a tourist’s point of view but as a local and completely immerse my self in the culture. And I did. The moment I got here, first week on the job, me and my training buddies visited the nearest Japanese Garden, it was Koko-en. It’s the garden at the foot of Himeji Castle. With the help of my friend who speaks fluent Japanese we were able to eat a simple but delicately prepared meal. And I tell you the Japanese people take pride in every single thing they devote their lives into. May it be a simple souvenir that is found in the local gift shop or those lunch box meals they offer at the nearest convenience store. Another thing I loved Japan is how courteous and friendly they are to everyone. They found a way to introduce that idea to the common signs or displays . Have you ever seen a mannequin that’s actually bowing or the toilet signs that are doing the same thing, that’s a thing in Japan. The people in Osaka was so friendly that when we were lost and trying to find our way, these group of Japanese teens actually escorted us the place. They didn’t leave our side until we got to the door. Shrines and temples. It wouldn’t be a Japan trip without the shrine and temple visit. They have got a million of this here that you will never ran out of places to visit , pray and make wishes. The last one I visited was the Itskushima Shrine. Have you ever seen that come to Japan add with the floating Red gate. That’s the one . I actually spent my first new year there. I watched the fire festival on New Year’s Eve and of course prayed or wished for love. I even got me a charm! Which totally works! There are places here that are called izakaya, which are small informal bars that serve drinks and a portion of food. I remember walking into one and actually tried out raw chicken parts. I thought I was going to die the next day of salmonela but sure enough , the person who prepared it was an expert who made sure that the food was safe! It’s common knowledge that fugu or blowfish are eaten in Japan. But did you know that this food is so dangerous that the chef who prepares it needs to actually have a certificate and a license to prepare and serve it. I have not tried it yet but soon I will and I just can’t wait for my appointment with danger! I was so afraid to walk alone by myself and get lost but to be honest , if you could choose the best place to get lost in , it would be Japan. Cause I promise you will never ran out of Interesting bars or restaurants or gardens or temples or shops to visit. and the people here are so nice. When I was younger I was so afraid to travel by myself or go to a place where they don’t speak the languages I speak. I realized that the only limit you have is the one you set for yourself. 2years later I am still an English teacher , with an affinity to Japanese gardens but this time I actually am able to speak a little of the language . Which helps finding the places I want to see easier and faster. So to answer the title of this article. “Why did the chicken cross the road ?” Because she was at the Shibuya Crossing. Japan is such a wonderful place , a lot of iconic places and things to do . And it’s all waiting for you!