Preparing for the Weather in Wales

Renowed for being that bit of the UK that sticks out in the Atlantic Ocean, it makes sense that Wales 'enjoys' a maritime climate. Here's how to prepare for the rain and fog.

Photo © iStock/tirc83

'Enjoy' is perhaps not the right word. Wales is very rainy and foggy. It gets a lot of warm, moist air from the tropical air mass. It gets less sun than England, and its rains are very intense. July is its warmest month, when temperatures reach to about 19 degrees Celsius (66 Fahrenheit).

Mountain weather in Wales

Plus, the weather can change rapidly.

Snowdonia, a popular mountain-climbing area in Wales, sees an average of two deaths per year, though more have occurred in recent years, and the rescue service responded to people in distress 69 times in 2010.

Many people fall to their deaths or get injured on slippery ice; three fell 500 feet and died in the same spot on a ridge at Clogwyn Coch in 2009.

The fast-changing weather has also contributed to several deaths and near deaths, as the temperature can seem considerably warmer at the bottom of the mountain path.

There are plans to install signs on the mountains, which have several footpaths, to warn visitors of possible dangers, but some have opposed them, saying they'll detract from the natural beauty.

A recent traveler advises those doing outdoor activities in areas like Snowdonia, which are, by mountain standards, not very big, to be as cautious as they would be scaling tall peaks in very cold weather. He points out that scree and slate can be slippery even when there is no rain.

Dress for the weather in Wales

Waterproof clothes, good shoes and enough food and drink are recommended. Always tell someone where you're going and bring a light, whistle, map and compass.

Remember, too, that signs on the road and elsewhere will be written in Welsh (which means those warning signs about hypothermia would be incomprehensible to 99% of hikers!)

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  • Wen said

    Many inaccuracies within the article, don't think Phil has stepped foot in Wales. If you're using this article as a guide, God help you

  • John said

    Would totally agree with Wen. Phil seems to have no idea. I live there and to say, I quote, "Remember, too, that signs on the road and elsewhere will be written in Welsh (which means those warning signs about hypothermia would be incomprehensible to 99% of hikers!" is absolutely rediculous. Very rare people do exist where they wish that all countries in the whole world would be the same language..... how boring....

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