By telling us your country of residence we are able to provide you with the most relevant travel insurance information.
Please note that not all content is translated or available to residents of all countries. Contact us for full details.
This policy provides coverage only related to Your Trip. You may have coverage from other sources that provides you with similar benefits subject to different restrictions. You may wish to compare the terms of this policy with your existing life, health, home, and automobile insurance policies. If you have any questions about your current coverage, call your insurer or insurance agent or broker. Your travel retailer may not be licensed to sell insurance in all states, and therefore cannot answer technical questions about the benefits, exclusions, and conditions of this insurance and cannot evaluate the adequacy of your existing insurance. This policy may not provide coverage for or may limit coverage related to pre-existing conditions. The purchase of travel insurance is not required in order to purchase any other product or service. In addition to your policy, the product you are purchasing may contain other non-insurance services and/or cancellation fee waivers offered by companies other than Nationwide.
Before your trip, check the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.
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