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Students aged 15/16 from Bowral High School (NSW, Australia) went to Cambodia during a cultural exchange trip in April 2007. Footprints provided a $500 (AUD) grant for the purchase of essential school materials for the Volunteer Development Poverty Children School (at the Wat Thmei Orphanage) which the Australian students visited.

"It was an emotional visit to the Wat Thmei orphanage in Cambodia.

Our students were amazed at the conditions these children lived in, as well as the basic conditions of the school and lack of resources. I think they were all pleased to be able to contribute to the school, as the Cambodian children were so enthusiastic about their education.

Our students were quite overwhelmed, and really enjoyed playing with the children and handing out presents brought from home such as books.

Additionally, with the assistance of Footprints we were also able to purchase a second hand computer and three class desks. While our original aim was for school furniture, the school teachers saw a greater need for a computer which would assist the students with learning new skills and in the long term, enable them to find employment easier"

Amanda Sutton,
Project Coordinator, Bowral High School

Amanda also attached a letter from the School Director

"Dear all the students of Borwal High School in Australia,

My name is Togh. I am the director of VDPCS in Siem Reap. Children in the VDPCS would like to thank the students of Bowral High School from the bottom of our hearts for supporting our school. The children and I are very grateful.

May all of you meet five blessings! 1. Longevity, 2. Colour, 3. Health and happiness, 4. Strength, 5. Wisdom

The children and will pray to Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. We wish you all good luck and success in your life. I am really happy that I get contributions from you all. They are wonderful things that we will never forget.

Signed, Main Togh, Director


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