Is Bogotá Safe? 7 Essential Travel Safety Tips

How to avoid street crime, why you need hostel security, and how to stay safe while enjoying nightlife in Bogota, Colombia's capital city. Our travel safety expert shares his tips.


Barrio de Usaquen viewed from La Calera, Bogota Photo © iStock/ChandraDhas

A few decades ago, Colombia's capital city was notorious for crime and violence. But is Bogotá dangerous now? Thanks to extra police on patrol and transport developments, Bogotá has opened up to travelers who are now feeling much safer and ready to experience the vibrant nightlife and culture.

The speed of the city's transformation means progress has been a little patchy. There are still dangerous pockets scattered throughout the city, where careless visitors can quickly find themselves in trouble. But, if you exercise increased caution and keep a low profile, you should have a safe experience in Bogotá.

Here are seven important things to know before you go about safety in Bogotá.

1. Avoiding street crime in Bogotá

Street crime is Bogotá's biggest problem. Pickpockets are common on crowded buses and on the TransMilenio, but can easily be avoided if you're aware of the threat. Hold your bags close throughout the trip and keep a watchful eye on people around you. A wary tourist is an unwelcoming target.

Explore the city during the day, just don't wander too far out of your depth. Muggings and armed robbery are a danger, especially after dark in known tourist areas like La Candelaria and near the Montserrate cable car.

Delightful areas are never too far from dodgy zones, and a two block detour could put you in danger. Talk to someone at your hostel about your plans for the day before you go out and they can recommend the best route. Or, join a walking tour for safety in numbers.

As a general rule, the north and east of the city are okay, but the further you head south the more risk you'll find. Plaza Bolivar is one attraction you shouldn't wander too far from.

Safety in Ciudad Bolivar

The residential area of Ciudad Bolivar in the south should be avoided completely. Not only is there a high risk of robbery, but torrential rain can lead to flooding in crowded shanty towns, especially on a hillside development. 

Crime near Cerro de Monteseratte

Cerro de Monteserrate is one of the most beautiful spots in Bogotá. Because of the extraordinary view at sunset, visitors flock to catch the teleferico up in the afternoon and capture the city at sunset, heading back on the last cable cars around 10pm (6pm Sundays). It's just a short walk back to La Candelaria, but it's been the undoing of many tourists. Gangs of thieves know the descending tourists will have their cameras with them and stake out the surrounding streets.

One traveler had to cut his trip short after a gang of thieves shattered his kneecap in a robbery – just 50m from the well-guarded Montserrate teleferico. Even if you're in a group you should always catch a cab (or Uber) back to your accommodation. Alternatively, hop into the free shuttle that leaves approximately every 15 minutes from the bottom of the teleférico to the Las Aguas TransMilenio station. The service runs from 5pm-11pm.

The weekend is safest time to scale the mountain. Many locals will head to the hilltop church for services, and the crowds provide a bit of security, although you should always be on the lookout for pickpockets.

You might want to walk up the hilltop, and many people make the little pilgrimage on weekends. Just keep in mind this track is notorious for muggings, and after heavy rain it's not very safe.

Safety in La Candelaria

Thieves often lurk around the hostels in La Candelaria. It's best to head out in a group, especially at night. All the hostels have security gates and most require someone to buzz you in from inside. Understaffing means you can be waiting around outside for a while, often with your back to the street, making you a vulnerable target.

Always keep an eye out when heading back to your accommodation, and beware of anyone hanging around the door.

2. Hotel and hostel security in Bogotá

Being mindful of your accommodation's security is especially important in light of recent events. In the past, there's been a string of attacks on hostels, armed gangs have broken into tourist accommodation and violently attacked, robbed and even sexually assaulted guests.

There's not a lot you can do to defend yourself against this sort of attack once the gang is inside, although cooperating with the bandits and handing over your stuff quickly is the best way to ensure your safety.

Instead, you should try and find a hostel that has a good security record and has introduced measures to combat this trend. Most of the attacks have occurred in La Candelaria, so it might be a good idea to look for accommodation further north. Zona Rosa and Usaquen have some good hotels and, although they're a little pricier, they're also right on top of the city's best nightlife.

3. Keeping a low profile in Bogotá

Avoiding dodgy areas will help minimise threat of being robbed, but even if you stick to the safest streets, some thugs will track tourists until they see an opportunity to attack. Thieves are all about risk versus reward. So, if you don't look like an easy target, they won't waste their time. 

Don't dress too flashy

The way you dress has a lot to do with it. Avoid obvious designer labels and don't wear any flashy jewelry. Don't make it obvious that you're carrying a big expensive camera too much. If you do, you're a prime target for thieves.

Always look like you know where you're going

Looking like a lost little lamb is a sure-fire way to have bandits stalk you. Always have an idea of where you're going and walk with purpose. If you're lost, ask a local for directions rather than pulling out a giant map. Colombians are incredibly approachable and want to leave a good impression on tourists.

Withdrawing money

Be careful when withdrawing money. ATMs are hotspots for muggers, but also secuestro express (express kidnapping) attacks. Avoid using ATMs on the street if at all possible. Stick to machines inside shopping malls, or guarded ones in bank buildings. It's best to visit ATMs during daytime. If you can find some friends to accompany you, that's even better.

What happens if I get robbed?

If you are robbed, hand over your stuff quickly. If you don't, there's a higher chance of a violent attack.

A dummy wallet with some old cards and a few notes can be a good way to placate muggers without leaving yourself strapped. Either way, you shouldn't walk around with bundles of cash. Just take what you need for the day and leave the credit card locked up. If you're carrying a bag, it's best to throw it away from you and then make a break for it. The bandits will be much more interested in what you're carrying than where you're going.

4. Bogotá at night

There's a big student community in Bogotá, which means, a great nightlife scene. There are a few bars and clubs around La Candelaria, but the best spots are further north.

Parque 93, Zona T and the famous Zona Rosa make up a cosmopolitan centre, which are great for eating, drinking and dancing. Residential Usaquen, the city's northernmost district, has some great restaurants and a more chilled out vibe. These spots are much safer than La Candelaria, but you still need to be wary when you're on the streets at night.

Getting home from a night out is the main focus. If you don't mind the noise and you're willing to spend a bit more for security and convenience, there are plenty of hotels around Zona Rosa.

If you're staying in La Candelaria you'll definitely need to take a taxi. Unless you're with a few friends, hailing a cab on the street isn't recommended. Bogotá's taxi system is generally reliable, but there are a few renegade drivers who spoil it for the rest. There have been a few incidents where drivers stop to let their armed chums into the cab, who then rob passengers blind or take them on a secuestro express tour of the city's ATMs.

Ordering a radio taxi from one of the city's reputable companies is the safest option. Get some numbers from staff at your accommodation before you head out and carry it with you. Or ask a bouncer to call a cab for you. Taxis Libres and TaxExpress are reliable companies. They'll tack on a little surcharge, but at around 900 Colombian Pesos (US $0.50) it's a small price to pay for safety.

5. Spiked drinks in Bogotá

Drink spiking is a highly publicised problem in Colombia, although it's not the epidemic that stories might suggest.

Extracts from a plant known as borrachero are used to incapacitate unwitting tourists. Female travelers are always warned not to accept drinks, however it's actually young men who are the principle targets of this tactic. Bogotá's beautiful women make for an enticing honey trap – but you should be wary of any new friends.

The odorless and tasteless drug can easily be mixed into drinks, but also laced through cigarettes and even gum. So, even if you're traveling on a budget, it's best to gently rebuff any generous offers.

There are even reports of women dusting their breasts with borrachero powder before shoving men's heads into their intoxicating cleavage. It could be an urban myth, but you should still beware any overly amorous advances.

6. Safe transportation in Bogotá

Getting around Bogotá can be a little adventure of its own. With several competing modes of transport, the roads are quite chaotic, and finding the right service can take a little practice. But, aside from the occasional traffic jam and some death-defying drivers, it's actually quite a treat to traverse the city.

The TransMilenio is one of the coolest ways to get from one spot to another. Instead of building an underground metro, the city of Bogotá emulated that same system using buses. Dedicated lanes and sleek glass stations make for a very effective alternative.

Not all the services stop at every station, so it takes a bit of planning to work out your route. Each trip costs less than a dollar, and as long as you don't leave the station, you can jump between buses as much as you like. The TransMilenio is notorious for pickpockets though, so make sure you don't let go of your bags and keep an eye on your fellow passengers.

Privately owned buses run specific routes, with streets and neighbourhoods listed on cards in the front window. However, they don't have specific stops, so you'll have to wave them down like a cab. Don't be shy or you'll be standing there all day.

Colectivos work the same way, but these vans weave madly through traffic to get you there a close to the speed of light. Keen to run through their route as fast as possible, colectivo drivers will often set off as soon as your foot's in the door, or on the street, so be careful when boarding and disembarking.

7. Political violence in Bogotá

The Colombian capital is at the centre of some very volatile politics. Unfortunately that means it can become a target for violent protest. The threat of terrorism has decreased in Bogotá in recent years, but attacks do still occur. Car bombs have been detonated in the north of the capital in the past, and although tourists weren't targeted or harmed, foreign interests have been the focus of attacks in the past.

Security levels in Colombia tend to change quickly so make sure you keep up to date with the news and any travel warnings. Avoid any public demonstrations or public protests as they have a tendency to turn ugly.

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  • Carl said

    Do you have news reports of hostels being robbed or are you spouting BS? My ex from here has heard nothing of that either...

  • Jimmbo said

    Thanks, that's a useful report. But one thing:

    "A dummy wallet with some old cards and a few notes can be a good way to placate muggers without leaving yourself strapped. "

    Since you yourself described a scenario where armed thieves take victims on a tour of ATMs, I'd imagine said armed thieves would be pretty ticked off if your "old" card was rejected by those ATMs, revealing the "old wallet" ploy.

    Better, I'd imagine, to open a second account (or e-banking account) with a balance of a couple hundred bucks - if and only if you dress and comport as someone traveling with just a couple hundred bucks in the bank (if not, again, the thieves, who presumably have some experience in their profession, will spot the scam).

    Or just bring your damned credit card, take the hit, and hope the police report holds some sway with the bank, so you're not responsible for the full load of charges. And you'll get home without a shattered knee cap or worse.

  • Ricardo Ribeiro said

    Oh boy! Department of State style at World Nomads. What a shame!

  • PhilSylvester said

    as you know things have changed quickly in Colombia. We're in the middle of a revision of all our content. A new version of this article will be live in the next couple of weeks.
    Thanks for the input.

  • Sean Manks said

    Excellent tour tips! Planning to go to Bogota on business. Will be extra careful and not venture into Anthony Bourdain's 'Parts Unknown" territory!

  • Linda L. said

    Thank you for taking the time to write this article. As a single woman traveling to Bogota on business, I found the information to be very helpful. It's better to be safe than sorry!

  • Ann said

    I don't appreciate the sarcasm of the comments following your article. It's not helpful in anyway. There's no useful information there. I Think it's interesting that all those empty comments come from males. I have traveled to Bogota a few times over the last several years, and I simply appreciate that someone has taken the time to document these tips with some relevant context. I am curious why these gentlemen who commented bothered to read it in the first place. Where are their tips and more updated, detailed, helpful information? I'd like to read it too. My bet is they have none. Typical.

  • Emily said

    Hey everyone. Unfortunately the hostel robberies are not bs. We have been in colombia for a total of two months (currently in Cali) and have met several people who it has happened to in Bogota. One of our friends hostels was held up at gun point and everyone robbed. I also know a few people in the hostel I am staying at now hostel were drugged a few nights ago (in the hostel) and robbed.
    Don't get me wrong, i absolutely love Colombia, it is well worth the visit. Just be cautious and have good travel insurance.

  • John said

    Julia: I enjoyed your safety tips and I think people thinking of visiting Columbia or any big city should read up on one of things that might save you from becoming a victim. As a retired law enforcement officer I think I'm pretty street savvy, but that doesn't mean I can't fall victim to a robbery or other crimes. I try to heed the very things you suggest and have found the most important thing is to be aware of your surroundings. Thanks for your article.

  • Eric said

    I've been to Bogota many times. The first time i went it was a little sketchy...but that was in 2008. The day i arrived Venezuela and Ecuador had decided to mass there troops on the border and threatened to invade the country. Things like that should eorry any travelers. But in my more recent visits everything has been better...even great (my first trip was great too...just scarier.) The main things you should remember are
    1. Don't act like a will stick out.
    2. Carry your bagpack or purse on your chest..that way you will be less likely to be purse snatched.
    3. Avoid going out at night in small groups...the bigger the better.
    4. Always use a service to call a taxi.
    5. If you do get approached by someone unsavory play dumb..they get iritated and usually move on..if they are armed just give them your stuff. Stuff is not important.
    6. Whenever possible hang out with some local people you can trust. If you have any local friends be sure to listen to their advice.
    7. Have fun.

  • Yalpe Nismou said

    Was there in 2011 and was mugged. Visit a safe country.

  • Kevin said

    Went to Colombia in 2014 and my buddy and I got held up at knife point walking from a bar 20 meters away from my hostel in La Candelaria. It was around 11:30 PM. Thankfully the police drive around the neighborhood with their lights on and the guy ran away before I had to give up my wallet or get hurt.

    I ended up going to Cartagena the next day but found out my friend got held up at knife point again the next day around 5 PM in La Candelaria.

    Colombia is a great place to visit but you need to take the safety precautions seriously. I caught an Israeli tourist trying to sneak his hand in my bag while taking a bus from Cartagena to Santa Marta.

  • Dave said

    Thanks for all the advice. I have a friend who lives there, she invited me to visit as it's easier for me to visit than her with getting a visa to the U.S. I'm a little nervous.

  • G said

    I am in same situation Dave, how was your visit when you're staying with someone?

  • Rico said

    Went to Bogota a little over a week ago, and we are back here safe and sound.
    Crimes are everywhere in the world, but just like every other cities you just need to do your normal precautions. We stayed in La Candelaria against the advice of any blogs I read but it was perfectly fine.
    We normally have our dinner at around 9pm around the restaurants in La Candelaria and there are still a lot people outside (especially on a Friday night).

  • Andreas said

    Visited Bogotlá on my own a few months back. Never had a bad experience at all, but met a few people who had had so. Generally I would recommend to just stay calm; my first week in Colombia, I was dead-nervous because of all the rumours I'd heard. But soon as you get a grasp of going around, there's really nothing to worry about, as long as you take normal 'security' measures, not going out alone after dark, etc.
    Knowing a little Spanish helps you a lot, though!

  • Paul said


  • Carlos Hernando Noriega said

    Hi everyone..
    I am from Bogota, everything is true, but you'll learn how to move around, come and see that is a "delicious" place too hang around.. lots of things to do and the most important, not that bad...
    You can hire a travel guide for about 100 USD and can offer you the best of the city in one day...with a nice car exclusively for you...
    If it's Sunday better because everything can be cheaper, specially museums entrance fees, although they aren't that expensive, from less than a buck to 4 dollars...
    Sometimes people prefer to do it on their own but you can spend a lot of time either walking or in traffic instead being in specific places...
    It's cheaper with a local guide from the hotel than a travel agency because in this case they charge by person...
    Some of the hotel driver's speak English fairly well...
    So don't be toooooo worry, is not the jungle (narcos? That is just bad publicity about any place in Colombia)
    We are more than that, hard workers, coffee, flowers, exotic fruits, delicious local style and mild (international) food, scenery, landscape, leather, emeralds, outlets, sooo much more!!!
    But the last but not least... you'll find friends...
    People that wanted to show you the best of our beautiful City...
    Carlos Noriega, not a narco just a friend...oh! I just remember that at the hotel that I work they can offer for a few dollars an insurance that covers in case you get robbed or lost cellphone computer cameras, all that staff, ask for it...
    You see!!! Even that is a great thing don't you think?

  • Miguel said

    Ok, I’m from bogota and I’ve lived here my entire life. From my perspective, this city is no different from any other major city in the world, there’s crime, violence, drugs, etc. But I’d like to point out that like all cities, this things mostly happen only in selected areas. You should be safe as long as you stay away from areas like “Ciudad Bolívar” or places that seem lonely and dark, but otherwise, you’ll find Bogotá is one of the most amazing places on earth. I would recommend you visit Monserrate, Usaquen, The Gold Museum, Rosales, Colina and the center of the city. The experience is unique, especially the views from Monserrate are AMAZING!

    I personally recommend you find a hotel in the Rosales area, as it’s really safe (and really fancy) although it could be quite pricey. For those in a budget, you should try to find a hostel in a well lit area, and avoid staying in the center of the city as it’s one of the places people are robbed most.

    You should also dress in a casual way when going to touristic places, some joggers and a hoodie should do it. If you’re going out at night let’s say to a restaurant, you can wear fancy clothes, just make sure you hire a ride (Uber offers a good service) and, if you can, try to go out in big groups.

  • Shannon Yearwood said

    Excellent article! It is true that now Colombia is a safe place to visit but as a foreigner you must take certain precautions to avoid danger. Try not to visit lonely places and always move in groups and don´t trust unknown people. Bogota is a really nice place and you can enjoy it without problems. I share with you an article that shows 5 small parks you have to visit there:

  • Jonathan said

    Enjoyed the article. I have been to several different areas in Colombia. I stay with the wife's family down there usually always, but her and I also rent places when we want to get away from everything. AirBnB is a very neat service and has really reasonable prices. A quite little area only about an hour outside of Bogota is La Vega. That area there seems to be very friendly from my experience, great little get away from Bogota. I have ridden the bus from Medellin to Bogota, I did not enjoy that due to the length of the trip and we had to wait several hours for the road to be cleared from a slide off of a mountain. But overall, pleasant scenery most of the ride. I have rode in countless taxis, never had an issue till I arrived in Bogota with one trying to make a loop to add to the tab. I stopped that fairly fast by showing him I had already pre-planned the route with Google Maps. My wife also made it very apparent for the rest of the trip as to how he was trying to make extra money since I was a "Gringo". She tends to call me her Americano and corrects others fairly fast when they mention "Gringo".
    Best thing to do in Colombia in any part in my opinion is to ALWAYS be aware of your surrounding. Always try to have a vantage point of view, I always sit facing the doors of restaurants, or the stairwell or how every I came in. I also always look for extra exits. I even do that in the States. The street vendors I usually always ignore completely or just tell them "No Espanol" and keep walking. I understand what they say, but I find if you talk to them, they tend to continue to push what they have for sale. People begging for money, I have seen them more of them in Medellin. Anywhere from teenagers to elderly. I have watched them walk through crowds of people to come to my table in the food court in the mall to ask for money on several occasions. I explained to my wife, look at their clothing, their hair, their shoes. Most are just asking for money because you are foreign, they expect you to have money. One lady that begged had a nice purse, shoes were nice, hair dyed, well kept... After she left, I explained to my wife that she wanted us to pay for her next dye treatment obviously, she didn't look as if she needed money opposed to some I had seen in the streets.
    As stated, don't carry anything that you can not afford to lose. Expensive phones, watches, wallets, purses, sunglasses, hats. If you can afford lose it, sure, take it by all means. Had a friend of mine that is married to a Colombian also, someone ran by him and grab his hat and kept running. No biggie, it was a free hat from the states. He had to buy another cheap hat to protect his bald head from the sun.
    Buses: Even though my wife does not mind riding buses, I do. I will pay whatever extra it cost for a taxi. $10 or $12 more for a round trip in a taxi is well worth the cost, for me only having to pay attention to one person, instead of 20+ people. Plus there is so much less noise. I usually read a paper while riding in a taxi or catch up on emails. I like reading the "For Sale" sections to see how things compare to the States.
    I prefer to avoid crowded areas. For instance during Christmas they have a really large festival in Medellin I attended. Been once, not going again, to many people for my liking personally. Was going to take the tram, but the wait was way to long. As I told my wife, I was to the point I did not care what a taxi cost, I wanted to get out of the area. Some people love all the crowded places such as that, but I know personally that is pick pocket haven. I prefer to avoid situations by avoiding things all together.
    I carry a long wallet always in the states. I have carried it on several trips to Colombia and usually have people in the mall, tram and even walking around on the streets, at times mention my wallet is going to fall out. So, if you have a long wallet, either buy a small one or keep it in a bag. They attract a lot of attention. Sort of like having a flag on your back pointing to your wallet saying "Pick ME, Pick ME!!!"
    Most everyone I have run into in Colombia has been more than helpful. Just ask and they will go out of their way to help. I always try to take little things down to the wife's family and some kids in the neighborhood. They always are very appreciative and sometimes they act as if its Christmas all over again. Many people work to live, pay bills and that is it. Nothing out of the ordinary because their income does not allow it. I never realized how fortunate I was growing up and being in the United States until I visited Colombia. Everywhere else I've travel out of country has all been English speaking 100%. I love to hear stories from my wife about her working on the farm, how the school system is down there, her experience living in a remote location in Colombia. Going to her original location (around Tolima) is like a time warp as with how they live today opposed to how I live in America. Never take the small things for granted, you will learn they make up a huge portion of what matters the most. Appreciate what you have, even though it may be little, it's so much more than many others.
    Enjoy your trip if you go! I would recommend everyone getting out of their bubble at some point. Be adventurous, have fun, but be safe.

  • dalton said


    Thank you for the valuable information sir.
    Its much appreciated.

    Loved reading your comments as well.


  • Bruce said

    Having just had a nice phone snatched out of my hand when I was in a cab and shoutlying thereafter been harassed by beggars and one street thug who walked out of his way to chest bump me, anyone who thinks this article is out of line is either lucky or perhaps a participant in crime. Bogota is rated the 7th most dangerous cit’s in the world. Believe it.

  • JP said

    I stayed in Bogota for just one Month. Everything was fine until I got on this really crowded Transmilenio Bus. I got pickpocket for my cell phone. I had a small book bag directly and I wore it in front of me. I had my hand on my bag. But they still got me. I must say that there was a lot of noise with people pushing and saying excuse me as the were trying to get off and on the crowded bus when it was made its stops. Something told me to look down at my bag to check. Right under where my hand was I noticed a small opening and I thought OMG..... I quickly searched for my phone and it was gone. A lady next to me asked me "Que estas buscando? "Que estas buscando? Which means what are you looking for in Spanish. I was just so upset that I didn't even answer her. Besides I didn't know her. She could have done it. Also I didn't want her and everyone on the bus to hear my Spanish American accent. I felt like a target and so violated! So I just got off at the next stop. Searched my bag again. Then waited for the next bus. Which was not even crowded. It's a lesson learned. During my month in Bogota I took the transmilenio many times and I was fine. But this one was by far the most crowded bus I took. Also I must note that before I got on the bus I was looking at my phone briefly to see if my directions was correct then I quickly put my phone in my bag as the bus pulled up. I think someone must have been watching that. These people are professional and are really good. Excellent. Do not underestimate these pickpocketers.

  • JP said

    Also I wanted to add. I did read this article before going to Bogota. It has great tips. Bogota for me was a great experiance. I will actually be returning. I felt safe during the day in areas like La Candelaria and Plaza Bolivar. I did not go to these areas alone and at night. If I did come home at night which was really rare, I always took an uber or I used the Tapsi app. If I needed to go anywhere in the City by car I felt safer with my cheap uber rides. I also used the Transmilenio bus system. But please avoid it when its way to crowded. The following bus is usually a lot better. Also if you are on a crowded bus beware of all the noise and pushing. These are distractions and sometimes it's the pickpocketers themselves working in groups. It's usually never just one person. It's a tactic they use as I later found out from locals. Now I know and I'm ready to go back to Bogota as I really did have a nice time. The good out weighed the bad.

  • Mark said

    When I visited Bogota in 2014, I found a small hotel far from the tourist areas (in a residential district), and felt very secure walking around after dark (after the first night jitters). My first day there I got on an express bus on Transmillenio, going to the opposite end of town, and ended up reaching my hotel at 11:30 PM. The number of bus options can be quite confusing at first.
    An easy to read copy of the Transmillenio system map I brought with me came in quite handy.
    The people were very helpful. Especially those who spoke English, since at 6'5" I stuck out as a tourist. Some offered business cards with phone numbers, in case I ran into trouble, or needed someone to arrange something. I never felt the slightest bit unsafe during my 1-week visit, something I can't say the same for growing up in the Chicago area.
    I did, however, keep my money in a pouch hanging around my neck to avoid worrying about pickpockets. I would not keep anything important in a pocket while riding a crowded bus.

  • Michael Lederman said

    The question currently is whether the mass demonstrations in Bogota will continue or subside and whether to continue with the already purchased trip insured by World Nomads or not. To be seen. Apparently World Nomads policy is to follow strictly the Canadian government or similar travel advisory and if your local government has not yet updated their opinion for adding Bogota to the list, then you might be stuck without any trip cancellation claim. I'll keep you posted: if Bogota's situation deteriorates to the point I feel unsafe I will have to cancel my trip , perhaps see not claim coverage as a consequence if the canadian government doesnt include Bogota in their list.

  • Nicolas Gomez said

    This article is 100% completely wrong. What political violence? wtf, not the 80s buddy. Ive lived here for 21 years and Ive never gotten mugged or seen someone else getting mugged. Just chill. Bogota is like any other city around the world. Just dont go to sketchy ass barrios and thats all. Its pretty easy to know when you are on a sketchy barrio because it looks like it and it smells like it. thats all.

  • Nicolas Gomez said

    Their job is to sell insurance. They will try to scare you so you buy it, dont buy it, youll be completely safe without it.

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