Am I covered by travel insurance if I'm pregnant?

For information relating to policies purchased prior to 27 June 2024, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For policies purchased from 7 June 2024, please see below.

Congrats! While it’s exciting to welcome a new nomad into this glorious world, it’s important to understand what's available with your travel insurance cover when you're pregnant.

How does pregnancy affect my cover?

It’s a good idea to have a general medical check-up with your medical practitioner before you go, and receive their confirmation that you are fit to travel.  Talk to your doctor about ways to look after your health abroad, such as travel vaccines, food safety and any activities to avoid while pregnant. 

Our plans offer cover if you experience a sudden illness or injury or medical condition arising from your pregnancy. In these events our plans offer cover for: 

  • Emergency medical treatment abroad
  • Hospitalisation
  • Ambulance transport
  • Medical evacuation and repatriation

You should note that claims involving multiple births are considered to be one event. If you are pregnant and confirmed not fit to travel, or if you will be more than 28 weeks pregnant at the start of your trip (24 weeks for multiple births), you can make a claim under Cancelling Your Trip provided you purchased a policy/booked a trip before you were aware you would not be able to travel.  

For residents of Denmark only: In addition to the above information, cover is also available for pregnancy or medical conditions arising from pregnancy provided that, prior to departing on your trip, you received confirmation from a medical practitioner or midwife that you were fit to travel. Cover is available for your child born prematurely (i.e., before the 37th week of pregnancy) during your trip. Claims involving multiple births are considered one event.

Remember that all other benefits of travel insurance remain available to you. This includes cover for personal items, baggage, travel disruption (for the Explorer plan), and medical costs abroad for other sudden illnesses or sudden injuries you may unexpectedly experience. 

What’s not included

We won’t cover a number of circumstances including, but not limited to: 

  • Travelling against the advice of a medical practitioner. 
  • Expected costs arising from the 37th week of pregnancy, for example: for the expected childbirth; planned medical assistance with delivery, including a Caesarean section; scheduled pregnancy-related treatments; care of the newborn child. 
  • Doing anything illegal. 
  • Drug- or alcohol-related injuries or illnesses. 
  • Deliberate self-harm or willful or reckless exposure to exceptional risk. 

Are there any policy conditions I need to know?

The policy wording outlines conditions of cover when you and other insured persons are travelling. You must be less than 28 weeks pregnant at the time your trip is due to start (24 weeks for multiple births), and prior to departing on your trip you must have confirmation from a general practitioner or midwife that you are fit to travel. This includes presenting your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) to medical providers when receiving treatment within the European Union. 

This is only a summary of cover and does not include the full terms and conditions of the policy. You should read your policy wording in full so you understand what is and isn’t covered. That way there won’t be any surprises if you need to use it. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

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