Travel Insurance: Overseas medical treatment and hospitalisation

For information relating to policies purchased prior to 17 June 2021, please check the Policy Wording provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For policies purchased from 17 June 2021 please see below.

Your policy may help if something happens to you while on your adventures abroad and you need urgent medical treatment.

Keep in mind that you’ll first need to contact your private medical insurance (PMI) provider (if applicable) and follow their emergency medical procedures and their claims procedures. Cover available under this travel insurance policy is in excess of any cover provided by your PMI. Also, provide us with details of your PMI provider to help us co-ordinate your care. Where your PMI provider does not cover you, contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team before incurring medical costs. You must let us know how you are going and keep in contact with our EA team until you no longer require treatment or assistance.

What medical expenses does World Nomads cover?

If you become ill or if you're involved in a sudden and unexpected accident that requires emergency medical treatment overseas during your trip, your policy may cover emergency medical expenses for:

  • Overseas emergency medical and surgical treatment and hospital charges (admission as an in-patient)
  • Out-patient treatment (no hospital admission)
  • Emergency dental treatment to relieve immediate pain
  • Outpatient physiotherapy when prescribed by a medical practitioner
  • Specialist counselling services if you’re assaulted during your trip and are injured or suffer psychological trauma
  • Emergency medical transport and repatriation home if medically necessary and authorised by our Emergency Assistance team; this may include reasonable and necessary additional accommodation (room only) and travelling expenses home (Economy class), including those of one relative or friend when you have to be accompanied home on the advice of the attending medical practitioner or if you are a child and require an escort.

Am I covered if I get ill with COVID-19?

Both our Standard and Explorer Plans include overseas emergency medical benefits if you get sick with COVID-19 while travelling, where it is not considered a ‘pre-existing medical condition’ per the definition in the Policy Wording.

Our Coronavirus cover article explains the benefits available if you get COVID-19 and need urgent assistance.

What do you do if something happens to you?

Call our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team immediately for advice on what to do as well as directions to the nearest or most suitable medical facility if needed.

Who pays for your medical treatment?

Who pays for your overseas emergency medical expenses depends on what’s happened and where you are when receiving treatment.

For out-patient treatment, you’ll need to pay the medical bills yourself and then make a claim online later or when you return home. Be sure to keep all your receipts and doctors’ reports to support your claim. If these costs are likely to exceed the figure stated in your Policy Wording you must refer to our 24/7 EA team for authorisation.

If you’re admitted to hospital, you (or someone else) must notify our 24/7 EA team as soon as possible. Your medical expenses can be paid directly to the hospital, where possible, once cover is confirmed.

Also be aware that any medical claim submitted will have the policy excess applied.

What’s not covered

Here are some of the main things that aren’t covered:

  • Any expenses relating to a pre-existing medical condition as explained in the Policy Wording.
  • Any medical expenses incurred once you return home to your country of residence (as specified on your Certificate of Insurance), as your policy doesn’t cover medical expenses in your home country.
  • Expenses not confirmed as medically necessary by your treating doctor or the emergency assistance team.
  • Anything else that’s listed in the general and specific exclusions in the Policy Wording.

Please note conditions apply if purchasing while already travelling. Please see the Policy Wording for the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions.

The policy isn’t designed to cover everything so take the time to read the terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions in the Policy Wording for full details, so there are no surprises if you need to use it. If you’re not sure if something is covered get in touch.

How does my travel insurance policy help me in an emergency?

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