Is Luxembourg Safe? 3 Essential Tips for Travelers

The biggest threat of crime in Luxembourg is petty, but keep your eyes open, especially in transportation hubs. Here's what you need to know.


Vianden, Luxembourg Photo © Getty Images/Reuben Atienza / EyeEm

COVID-19 (Coronavirus) travel restrictions in Luxembourg – March 2020: Luxembourg Airport remains open on a limited basis. Most flights are cancelled, but contact your airline directly for further information. Non-essential shops have closed, and the public is forbidden to leave their house for social activity or host any social events at home. Movements outside are encouraged to be kept to a minimum to avoid the spread of COVID-19. Schools will be closed until 19 April.

The tiny country of Luxembourg is one of the safest in the world according to reports. Like in many others destinations, tourists' biggest threat in terms of crime is the petty sort, such as purse snatching and pickpocketing. Keep your eyes open especially in transportation hubs and the airport.

Petty crime in Luxembourg

Thieves may stop in front of you and drop an item, which they will then pick up along with your bags. Criminals may also stand in the doorway of the metro or stop in a stairway. Theft occurs on buses and trains, including the Gare, where you can catch the high-speed train to Paris. The area around the Gare is also described by some tourists as the shadiest part of Luxembourg City.

Summer carries the highest rate for theft and scams targeting tourists, especially during the three-week Schueberfouer event.

Some foreigners report apartment scams. There are also incidents where people burglarize homes when no one is there, but unless you're staying with friends, this shouldn't trouble you.

The city center's bars and eateries attract pickpockets and bag snatchers, so keep your valuables on your lap or sandwiched between your feet. Even at retail checkout counters, thieves will try to lift purses or bags left on the floor.

ATM card reading occurs, and the device will look like it's been mounted on top of the machine. Criminals may try to look over your shoulder at your pin number when taking out cash. Double billing of credit cards also happens, so you should not give your card over to anyone.

There is some drug dealing that goes on in Luxembourg, and it may occur in public parks at night. Though the drug sales don't often turn violent, there is a general higher risk of crime in these areas during these activities. There is some organized crime in the country that will be centralized in Luxembourg City.

Protests and demonstrations

Protests do occur in Luxembourg, though they tend to be peaceful. Certain groups demonstrate about their cause, which often focuses on the offices of the European Union as they are based in the country, and there are anarchist groups as well. Other groups that may protest include truck drivers and farmers. Traffic can get backed up when these demonstrations occur. They also don't usually get violent, but the crowdedness can lead to injury or getting trapped.

Parking nightmare

Some travelers say getting around Luxembourg can be confusing, as it has several hills that can disrupt your orientation. Bring a map and use caution when getting used to the traffic patterns.

Parking in the middle of the city can be challenging and pricey, particularly short-term parking during weekdays. Car garages charge high fees as well. Traffic wardens patrol heavily and fine you if you try to park without paying. There is a free weekend car park called Glacis a few kilometers outside the downtown area.

If you don't want the hassle of driving, there are plenty of public transpiration options. Do not try to scam the system and ride for free, however, as police do random checks and will fine you for not having a ticket.

Visitors report hotels in Luxembourg being pricy, but other goods like alcohol are cheap. Most places accept both bank cards and credit cards for payment.

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