Is Oman Safe? 4 Essential Travel Safety Tips to Consider

What are the laws, and is there crime in Oman? Despite being a safe place to travel, there are some risks. Find out how to stay safe in Oman.


People being called to prayer at the Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, Muscat, Oman Photo © Getty Images/Dale Johnson

Oman is one of the Middle East's safest countries despite its volatile location, which is often in news headlines around the world.

Oman is a very friendly and safe place to visit, but before you go, here are some important things you should know about local laws, and how to stay safe in Oman.

1. Is Oman dangerous for travelers?

Oman is a wealthy country with a strict religious, moral and legal code. Crime of any type is severely punished, and the deterrent seems to work, and most Omanis are relaxed and polite people. However, some travelers have been petty crime targets, and there have been reports of assaults against women and people camping in isolated locations at night.

Take the usual precautions to protect your valuables and be aware of your surroundings. Women should take care when traveling alone, especially when out at night and should take a taxi rather than walking.

2. Important laws travelers should be aware of in Oman

The Sultanate of Oman is an absolute monarchy, which means the Sultan has the final say. Being an Islamic country, Sharia law has helped found and shape Oman's legal system.

Dress with modesty and respect the local law and culture. This is particularly important during the time of Ramadan and other religious observances.


There is zero tolerance to drugs in Oman, and whether it's possession or trafficking, and severe penalties apply including the death penalty. Even having a small amount for personal use can result in at least a year in jail.


Don't photograph government and military buildings or airports. Always ask locals before photographing them.

Drone laws in Oman

Flying a recreational drone is illegal in Oman, with a minimum penalty of three years in jail. Omani authorities have had to impose this law due to several incidents involving recreational drones flying too close to airport infrastructure and flight paths.

Lese majeste

It's an offence to insult or make offensive remarks about the Omani royal family, the government and its officials.

Homosexuality in Oman

Homosexuality is illegal in Oman and punishable with a stint in jail of up to three years. In worse-case scenarios, the death penalty is applied.

Bad behaviour

Offensive behavior and language in public and on social media are prohibited. Even flipping the bird at someone while driving may get you in trouble. Public displays of affection are a no-no, too. 

Can I drink alcohol in Oman?

The legal drinking age in Oman is 21, and it's an offence for anyone to be publicly drunk or consume alcohol in public. 

Unmarried couples

In Oman, it's against cultural beliefs for unmarried, heterosexual couples to share a room. However, if your accommodation does not ask, and you do not point out you are unmarried, there should be no issues. It is also an offence for Omani authorities to ask about your marital status.

3. Terrorism in Oman

Terrorist groups (such as Al-Qaeda and Daesh-affiliated groups) operate in the Arabian Peninsula, and have been involved in attacks on several Gulf countries, including Yemen. While the likelihood of a terror attack happening in Oman is lower than other Gulf states, the possibility still exists. Attacks are likely to be indiscriminate and may not necessarily target foreign interests or popular attractions.

Always monitor government travel advisories, news reports, and official warnings. 

4. Politics in Oman

The political situation in the Middle East means that Oman sometimes experiences political tension. Oman borders Saudi Arabia and Yemen, countries locked in a violent conflict. The Omani border with Yemen is where numerous government travel advisories state "Do not travel" due to ongoing conflict in the country. Omani authorities won't let you enter Yemen unless you are officially authorized to do so.

Be aware of your surroundings when large-scale gatherings and demonstrations are happening in the country, and try to avoid them. Most protests are peaceful, but when they occur near the UAE border they have turned violent in the past, and protestors have been killed. Due to Oman's non-interventionist attitude to foreign policy, they have been playing a diplomatic role among the Gulf States as war ravages Yemen, which is largely driven by Saudi Arabia. Staying neutral has also ensured stability in the country despite the high-security presence. 

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  • Rheanne said

    What... Have you lived in Oman.LMFAO! The biggest protest on the border was only ever like five people.. Wow! So violent! And violence after "midday prayers on Friday" are you kidding me, that's the least likely time for violence. Last year there was a couple house robberies in the border town- that's more then that. Get your research right! It's very clear that you wrote on biased opinions based on region. Yes the countries surrounding Oman have incidents but none of them play any effect on safety here. The most violent place in Oman is probably muscat or sohar- because they are more populated and more diverse with expats. And yet it's rare to hear that anything serious happens.


  • Harthi said

    Waaaaw I realy love that's country. No rapping people no protestors people no crazy people in roads no,,, everything is nice in Oman especially the Omanies people are soooo kindly. But there is one advice when you go there you have to rent a car because the taxis are not available in all areas. Also when you go to public beach try to not wear bikini or such clothes but you can were it in hotels. Finally Oman is Open country and the king of Oman is respectful man indeed

    Good luck guys


  • S said

    Are you kidding me... Ur making oman look bad... Oman is a very safe country i have been living in oman for 15 years and i honestly have never heard of any crime. No rape. No thieves. No crimes. It is a queit country and totally free even if u go out at 3 am u will only find one police car in the road. And thts it. In oman i would do things tht i can never do anywhere else. I keep my car opened and go to a shopping market or leave my bag and phone and wallet on the table of a resturant outdoor and go to the toilet and come back and it will be still there. In oman they respect all religions and beliefs other than other countries. Even in their mosques its very peacfull. Islam has three doctrines and they all pray together side to side and that is amazing becuase you cant see that in any other country. In oman causing disorder between tribes or families or religions could get you up to 10 years in jail. In oman everyone respects other people are quit they are thankfull for any of what god gives them and they are always smiling to your face and if you are a foreign they welcome you to there houses and they treat you with great hospitality every thing is cheap you can go to the barber and a haircut costs 2 britsh pounds only which is around 1 omani rial and a sandwiches ( shawarma) cost from 60p to 1 pound it has very nice places to vist it has rock mountain, sand mountains , green mountains, nice beautiful beaches , deserts, and some places have snow in the winter. It has beautiful islands. And it has beautiful forts where you can enter most of them for free and if u need to something for entry u pay about 50 p per entey it has one of the best resort and hotels in jabl al akhdar 3000 meters above sea level. You can also see dolphins that you can see. And you can also see huge turtles that come from Australia from the ocean lay there eggs in the beach in ras al had, and ras al jinz.


  • Aziz said

    Well, I'm Omani myself and I'm proud to say that Oman is very safe and secure, no one carries a weapon and you don't need a weapon simply because you'll never need to defend yourself. The worst thing that I faced from living in Oman for 18 years, before I moved to the US, was some traffic violence, I mean stupid teenager drivers who would like to tease you to race them. Another thing I should say that My family's house got robbed once, which is in a small town, the house was left empty for several hours and at that moment there was only one person living in the whole house who wasn't there when the house got robbed. Honestly, I'd walk in the middle of the night without being scared of anything in the Omani cities like Muscat, Sohar and Salalah. but when it comes to walking in small alleys in a small town at 2 am... not so much.


  • Nancy Nicola said

    I am a single woman with a two year old child I wanted to go to Oman with my child as it seems peaceful and nice . Would it be recommended?


  • Adam said

    I'm an Australian citizen and travelled to Oman in 2017. I've travelled a lot throughout the world including Africa, South America and Europe and I felt that Oman was one of the most beautiful places I have ever traveled. The people were incredibly polite and friendly. Have never felt safer in any other country, not even in my own home town! Highly recommended you visit


  • solomon chianumba said

    i am a family man, i want to relocate to Oman but i don't know any one their that can render me help.


  • Jim said

    The comment earlier from a Omani favorable person said, "Also when you go to public beach try to not wear bikini or such clothes but you can were it in hotels." So, if you dress per normal in the West, what happens? Does not sound safe to me.


  • eugene phillips said

    i was in oman for a month great friendly place


  • Alex said

    Jim - The bikini issue is not about safety, nor is it about laws, it's about respecting the culture of the place you are. "When in Rome, do as the Romans do...", which isn't to say you have to dress exactly as local Omanis, but think of it in the same way you would about Europeans not going topless on beaches in countries where that's not the norm (such as the U.S.). From what I have read (I'm researching going there too), bikinis etc. that you'd wear on a beach in Mexico, U.S., etc. are fine on private hotel beaches, and more conservative dress should be worn on public beaches out of respect for Omani culture. But again, the bottom line is that there is no indication anywhere that I can find that Oman is anything other than a lovely, friendly, and very safe place. Would you go to a big city in Europe? The U.S.? Africa? Likely you'd be in a much more dangerous place than you would in Oman.


  • Eva Pol said

    My wish to travel to Oman is probably impossible because I cannot use Turkish-style toilets due to a bad knee. What is my chance in the larger cities to encounter Western-style facilities?


  • Yahya Masters said

    In Qatar, it seems like what they describe as Oman, but I hear that Oman is even better. I always am Leary of anyone being hired from out of country because I have heard of horror stories. For the Nigerian Woman seeking employment, please be extremely careful by gathering as much information from separate sources before taking the leap. As for Qatar, it seems okay, but I have heard of out of country contract companies promising great things, but then making harsh conditions when you low pay, long hours, little if any days or time off, and holding your passport. If you will be working for an Oman citizen, instead of a foreign company, you might be in a better situation, but I do not know that for sure; so please be careful. I am considering taking some time off in far, sounds good! By the way, Qatar is extremely safe; and I enjoy working and living wife feels safe here, also!


  • Eva pol said

    Hi Eva,

    Almost every public place in the capital Muscat has western toilets. Now a days, its the other way around, it's harder to find Arabic toilets, especially in hotels, malls, etc.. they all use western toilets.

    However, in the countryside, search the area before you go. If there is any hotel there, then you will be fine because almost all hotels have western toilets not Arabic.

    I hope you will make it to Oman and have a great time here.

    Source: I'm Omani =)


  • Joe said

    I am actually at the airport leaving Oman after a holiday. I am American and this is my 2nd visit here in les than a year. Omani people are very warm quick with a smile and always helpful. It is very safe and amazingly clean! Go to Oman if you have the chance before it gets too cosmopolitan. Also western style bathrooms are everywhere so should not be a problem for anyone with bad knees


  • Toni said

    I am reading some positive comments, I am a 50 year old woman and am planning on heading to Oman while my family go onto Abu Dhabi. It sounds like a positive experience, so am I right in believing that I am OK as a female travelling solo?


  • Roger said

    I'm thinking about a long weekend in Oman in February. I'm trying to find a tour company in Muscat that is NOT 5-star. Some of the day trips I've seen advertised are way above my budget! Can anyone recommend a tour company?


  • chimi said


    I am From Bhutan. My husband is planning to work in Oman.We have one kids around 2 years.Is it good opportunities to work in Oman.How is the living standard? Can we save for the future?Or other middle east place is better.

    Please help.:-)


  • Rev Rosemary said

    I still do not understand after I read all this good repirt about Oman. I have read some articles not one about Tanzanian women who were mistreated beaten, raped in Oman. Are those claims falls or what? I am just puzzled amnd fear for the lives of women who are treated like that


  • EJ Salim said

    Rev Rosemary,
    All these claims are false ... They where mostly made by maids who wanted to go back to Tanzania but refused to pay for the air tickets
    And recently, I heard, their law had forbidden Tanzanian women to work as maids in any other country except Tanzania.
    And rape and any other crime against women -Omani or not- is severely punished by law.
    the country is known to be one of the most safest countries is the middle east for a reason.
    Travelling as a woman solo is safe, police officers are every where
    I can walk around the area without being worried or scared
    By the way I am a biracial Oman Tanzanian woman :)


  • Onyinyechi said

    Why are they treating Nigeria girls in Oman badly like slave...I have been given a job in Oman as a househelp is it advisable for me to go and work in Oman.


  • Quaye Felix said

    i am in Ghana -Accra i want to travel to Oman to buy cars form Oman is it possible and if is possible can someone show me or tell me how to do that. hope to hear from good people of Oman , thanks


  • alan said


    I'm a 43 year old Canadian teacher who has been here for a year and a half. It is true, Oman is safe, especially if you are a man, If you are a woman, I would be very slightly more cautious IF you are in an unknown area, extremely dark and the area is full of migrants. Only then would your chances be slightly raised, and to be fair, this is rare. However, this is something to consider anywhere really. So, no, this isn't Tokyo, but relatively speaking, it's very safe. As for beatings, I do feel if you are not a Western woman and depending on the Omani family that you would be working for, you could be mistreated if you work for them. Heavy violence, while low, still happen here and throughout the Middle East (I have never heard from any of my friends personally, nevertheless... Overall, there is no question about it, the people here are genuinely very relaxed and friendly, but do keep your wits about you. Enjoy Oman!



      So much good things have been said about Oman and I must confess that I"m really good to go. I really love to take a teaching job in 0man and I will be so grateful if I can get a way forward process and contact/link to actualizing my vision. I currently work as a Teacher with the Lagos State Universal Basic Education Board (LASUBEB) in Nigeria. Any positive hints/advice/assistance will be highly appreciated. contact me via my email contact-


  • Ysa said

    Hello! I just wanna ask.. coz I am a Christian, is it ok for me to go or work in Muscat? Is Oman an open country? Pls answer me.. Thanks so much!


  • Ariwahstar said

    Pls i want to travel to Oman... I hope it's safe in Oman


  • Faiz said

    I have been working in Oman for the past 14 yrs. My contract was for 4 yrs and 10 yrs later I’m still here. Safe country and nice people. Go for it.


  • Faiz said

    Forgot to mention I’m here with wife and 2 kids. And they all are enjoying life in this country.


  • Alfeenru said

    I heard whatsapp and facebook can not be used in Oman. Is it true. How bad are the restrictions over social media platforms


  • Floxy said

    I want to travel to Oman to work as a nanny & iam a Christian, hop i wi b safe


  • donald s thomas said

    I don't know about Tanzanian women but Filipina's don't have it as good. What can a foreign woman do if sexually molested by her mother's Boss? She's 19. If she says anything then he can fire her mother who is single. Who can she go to since she's not a citizen there? She's terrified.


  • Oman-Beaches said

    Oman is the safest country in the middle eastern peninsula!
    I am an Omani citizen.

    All other middle eastern countries are currently involved in an all out war with Yemen, while Oman (who shares a border with Yemen) is taking in hundred's of thousands of Yemeni refugees and thousands of them are in dire need of hospital treatment.

    Oman is a country of peace, come to Oman!

    Also- (The Bikini issue)
    You can always go to one of the many available 5 star resorts, with a private beach..


  • Prudence said

    Is there any problem with being left handed in Oman, ie is it and insult or forbidden?


  • Shrek said

    "I heard whatsapp and facebook can not be used in Oman. Is it true. How bad are the restrictions over social media platforms"

    What you heard is false. Whatsapp and Facebook are available and there is barely any restriction over social media except for some specific.

    "Is there any problem with being left handed in Oman, ie is it and insult or forbidden?"

    Of course not! there are no problems with being left handed. it is not an insult nor forbidden.


  • Shrek said

    Also. You do not need to worry about your religion. Anyone is welcome here.


  • Uzoma said

    A friend will want travel to Oman,please if you contact on how he can go about kindly write a mail to


  • Uzoma said

    A friend will want travel to Oman,please if you contact on how he can go about kindly write a mail to


  • Uzoma said

    A friend will want travel to Oman,please if you contact on how he can go about kindly write a mail to


  • Peer said

    I have travelled in Oman for two weeks and must say my heart is warmed by the people of Oman. The caring nature and polite and relaxed attitude is really something special to experience.
    If you would compare this to any European city (good areas), we (I am Dutch national) would on average look uninterested, hasted and stressed.
    Maybe because we are more stressed... read a bit on Omani society, work, household finances and economics you understand why this is.
    The above accounts for Omani nationals...
    There are also quite a number of Indian, Bangladesh, Fillipine and other Islamic country workers in the country. Had a chat with a number of them. In general they are paid far less than Omani nationals but they seem relatively happy since their cost of living is reasonable and they are able to return to place of origin for 2 months every (other) year and bring home their savings...
    Country is beautiful, lots to see. Not a destination for the lovers if all in resorts and lots of alcohol and loud music.
    Culture, nature, scenery is a big yes.
    If you have the have chance go and experience Oman.


  • Peer said

    I have travelled in Oman for two weeks and must say my heart is warmed by the people of Oman. The caring nature and polite and relaxed attitude is really something special to experience. So yes it is as safe as a country can be in practice..
    If you would compare this to any European city (good areas), we (I am Dutch national) would on average look uninterested, hasted and stressed. And also most European or USA places would be far less safe to travel to than Oman.
    Maybe because we are more stressed... read a bit on Omani society, work, household finances and economics you understand why this is.
    The above accounts for Omani nationals...
    There are also quite a number of Indian, Bangladesh, Fillipine and other Islamic country workers in the country. Had a chat with a number of them. In general they are paid far less than Omani nationals but they seem relatively happy since their cost of living is reasonable and they are able to return to place of origin for 2 months every (other) year and bring home their savings...
    Country is beautiful, lots to see. Not a destination for the lovers if all in resorts and lots of alcohol and loud music.
    Culture, nature, scenery is a big yes. Respect local customs and culture (and this is not hard for people willing to...)
    If you have the have chance go and experience Oman.


  • Oramu Thank God said

    I we like to visit Oman and work there


  • Pam. said

    I am an Australian and a massive political problem. At present I am being covered up.

    I returned home in February, 2002 from South America and it just continues on.

    Prince Charles and his partner I know their favourite country is Oman.

    I am just wondering if you would take a 64 year woman from Australia. My country is also lying

    to other countries and it is really bad at the present time.

    The status at present ends on 22nd. December, 2019 and then Australia can do anything to me if

    there is no Holland court case.

    Please can you give me information.


  • Aaron said

    I've been to Oman 5 times with not even a hint of trouble. The local Omanis are incredibly polite and hospitable. If anything, the problems which make the news usually involve expats, and others who lack an established pattern of dignity, propriety, or lack respect for the values of a host society .


  • Chinwendu said

    I would like to travel to Oman but I don't have anyone to welcome me cos I have love the country and the way they behave with the good treatment of human beans who would render the help to me I will really appreciate.


  • Hamood said

    I am Omani and i travel a lot.. I can say that my country is very safe and if anyone wants to come it's an honor for me to show him my country... This is my email address

    My regards


  • Sylvia said

    Hello I am single, 60 years ils. I gave one, 21 years old adoptive son. I am catholic. I would like to go work and live in Oman for about 5 years as a doctor. Is it safe and possible for a western woman to do it in Oman?


  • Anagor Daniel said

    Please I need help on how to travel to Oman live and work for 4years please I need a reply thanks


  • Labeeb S said

    The article is a bit misleading
    Oman is very safe with very low crime rate. And a very best place to live in. In fact Oman ranks first among Arabian countries in terms of quality of life and also in the world right behind Canada. Unlike UAE and Qatar, they are completely not keen on being in the global eye, they like to remain a hidden gem. It's for the good because eventhough no tourism is promoted by the country, people are still flooding to witness and experience various attraction all over the nation. There are so many tourism destination like Salalah, Wadi Bani Khalid, Jebel Shams, Old Arabian villages, beautiful beaches and Deserts. All of these and much more are extremely amazing and a must visit. Though it's one of the best place to live in, migrating and settling down is very difficult unless you have a good job, and you can stay only until the job lasts. Just like all GCC countries. Expensive? Much less comparing to Dubai and worth it.
    Planning to come to I am? Land at the 14th best airport in the world [Muscat], plan a few destinations before you come, rent a car, cover as much places as possible. plan stay at Jebel sifa which offers infinity pool, bar and also has occasional DJ parties best place to spend night and day of course. My suggestions are Salalah, Wadi Shab, Wadi Bani Khalid, Wadi Arbeieen, Al Ameen Mosque. food suggestions are Arabian chicken or mutton Mandi, delicious kunafa, big Turkish Shawarma, alfaham with khuboos and mayonnaise.


  • Isiaq said

    I just get employment visa to Oman, but I lost the contact of my agent, and I want to purchase my ticket now.... please how am I going to accommodate and get a good job when I get to Oman..... my visa is employment single


  • Peter said

    I want to travel Israel to acquire more Education and add values to my personality.


  • Chi said

    Can someone give me guidelines on how to travel to Oman country.... either through flight or car (Chi from Nigeria).


  • Nelly said

    I'm married, Nigerian, and a Pastor. I'm to travel to Oman for mission work and job.
    Are my safe to work and Pastor in such an Islamic nation?


  • Daniel said

    I am in the USA and would like to find a store in Oman that sells frankincense resin, and have it shipped here.
    Thank you,


  • Adeshewa said

    I want to travel to Oman to work please I need help to get there


  • Richard said

    Hy. I'm Richard 28 from Nigeria, living in oman for the past 20 months . This is a very great country with a lot of smiley and kind people, great views. I recommend oman for travelers. I'm in for a tour guide you can email me on how to travel to oman. Welcome!


  • ThankGod said

    Pls I need someone who can help me secure a job in Oman and accommodate me for some while pls


  • Waiisom Kane said

    I'm a Nigerian, Male I'm interested in Oman Job and relocation. Anyone or Agent with any Freelance Visa link should email me the cost & details. I'm very much available and ready to travel.


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