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No one wants to have an “I lost my passport” moment on their travels, but it can happen. Luckily, your World Nomads travel insurance plan provides coverage for the theft, loss or damage to a passport, provided you’ve taken reasonable care to safeguard your documents when traveling.
You can make a claim for the cost of a replacement document. If your trip has been delayed at least six hours because your passport was lost or stolen, you can also get reimbursed for:
Any pre-paid, non-refundable land or water accommodations that have not been used.
Necessary expenses such as meals and lodging, phone calls, and local transportation that were incurred because of the delay.
Report the loss, theft or damage of your passport as soon as you can to:
The local police. In the case of theft, it must be done within 24 hours.
The closest U.S. embassy or consulate (visit for a full list).
Our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team, who can help you coordinate a replacement document, get emergency cash and any other part of the process.
Reports from local police
Receipts for passport processing fees
Copies of all documentation provided by the U.S. government
Receipts for pre-paid, non-refundable accommodations and any additional expenses incurred, should it apply to your case.
If you have any questions, please reach out – we’re happy to help. And when you’re ready, you can get a quote and buy online 24/7.
We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:
Within the USA & Canada toll free:
From anywhere in the world, direct / collect:
Before your trip, check the latest government advice for any travel alerts for your destination.
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