Am I covered by travel insurance if I'm pregnant?

For information relating to policies purchased prior to 18 May 2022, please check the Policy Document provided with your purchase. You can contact us if you need this sent to you again. For policies purchased on or from 18 May 2022 please see below.

Pregnant and wondered what you're covered for? Planning a trip or already travelling?

Pregnancy is covered by our plans, although be aware that there are some restrictions to this cover and if you're more than 26 weeks pregnant cover may be limited.

What’s covered

If you’re pregnant at the time you buy your policy, or fall pregnant afterwards either before you go or while on the road, there is cover available for pregnancy on our plans, provided the event that causes your claim:

  • is covered by your policy;
  • is a pregnancy related illness; and
  • occurs up to the end of the 26th week of your pregnancy.

We don’t consider pregnancy to be an existing medical condition. However, to be covered, pregnancy-related Illnesses such as hyperemesis (severe morning sickness), gestational diabetes, and any other pregnancy-related illness must have first developed unexpectedly after you bought your policy. There is no cover for any existing medical condition related to your pregnancy.

These conditions apply whether you fall pregnant naturally or with medical assistance (for example, through IVF).

If the doctor treating you says you’re unfit to continue travelling, firstly contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team. We’ll need to get medical specialists to confer and agree.

After that, if you have no option but to change your travel plans, there’s cover for reasonable additional transport, accommodation and/or cancellation expenses. That covers cancellation, re-arrangement or catching up to your original itinerary.

What’s not covered

  • A pregnancy where you’ve had any complications for any pregnancy prior to buying or extending the policy.
  • Routine pregnancy check-ups, e.g. standard ultrasounds and blood tests; pregnancy tests; etc.
  • Childbirth at any time.
  • Regular antenatal care, including care of a newborn.
  • Fertility treatments at any time.
  • Expenses incurred in your home country.
  • Anything else that’s listed in the General Exclusions and section specific exclusions in the Policy Document.

Please read the Policy Document carefully and particularly the 'Health conditions and your policy' section which outlines the terms and conditions relating to pregnancy. This includes pregnancy related to you, a member of your travelling party, a close relative and any other person to whom this policy relates.

This is only a summary of cover and does not include the full terms, conditions, limits, and exclusions of the policy. You should read your Policy Document in full, so you understand what is and isn’t covered. If you are unsure about your level of travel cover, please contact us for help.

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We’re here to help if you have a question about travel insurance. We’re available:

  • Monday to Friday 11:00am - 8:00pm (NZST/NZDT)
  • Saturday to Sunday closed (NZST/NZDT)

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Within New Zealand:
0800 666 237

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+61 2 8256 1542

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1300 787 375