For most cases, you – the insured on the policy – need to pay the provider upfront then submit a claim for reimbursement.
No matter what happens, it’s important to contact the Emergency Assistance team (or have someone contact them on your behalf). The EA team can not only make arrangements for medical care or evacuation, but they can also negotiate better rates, and in most cases, you’ll also need pre-approval.
Be sure to keep your receipts and medical records, which you’ll need to support your claim. Because travel insurance is secondary, you’ll need to check to see if your medical expenses (except for emergency evacuation) are covered by your primary health care insurance first. You’ll need to send us the EOB (Explanation of Benefits) from your health insurance company along with the rest of your documentation.
Confusing? If you need more guidance, the claims team can walk you through the process.
For help in an emergency, contact the Emergency Assistance team, available 24 hours, 7 days a week.
We’re here to help if you have a question about your claim. We’re available
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From anywhere in the world, direct / collect: