Is Madagascar Safe? 10 Things to Know Before You Go

Everything you need to know about crime before you go to Madagascar, from political tension and no-go zones to bush taxis and petty crime.


Ambalavao, Madagascar Photo © Getty Images/Andres Ramos Palacios / EyeEm

For those seeking an off-the-beaten-track destination, Madagascar is perfect. The fourth-largest island in the world, it was torn away from the African and Indian landmasses millions of years ago after an earthquake set it adrift. The result is a unique island, considered to be one of the most bio-diverse places on Earth.

Much of Madagascar is still wild and undeveloped, with mountains, lush forests and vibrant coral reefs waiting to be explored. As stunning as this island is, you should be aware of a number of things to stay safe while traveling in this incredible country.

Political situation in Madagascar

Madagascar has experienced repeated bouts of political instability, including coups, violent unrest and disputed elections since gaining independence from France in 1960.

Andry Rajoelina became President in January 2019, which ended a decade of political turmoil that began with his ousting of President Marc Ravalomanana in 2009.

Steer clear of any protests, demonstrations or political gatherings which can turn violent quickly. In addition, the Ambohijatovo, Lac Anosy, Antaninarenina and Analakely areas and military barracks should be avoided, as they have been subject to political gatherings resulting in outbreaks of violence.

Crime in Madagascar

The overall crime rate in Madagascar is lower than many other African countries. However, the fallout of political turmoil has led to increased unemployment, and a rise in crime, particularly muggings, robberies, carjackings and theft from cars. It's important to note that these crimes not only occur in urban areas but also in nature reserves and beaches. Beware of pickpockets in streets markets and transport hubs. if you are stopped by the police, be respectful, and stay calm. Ask to see ID if you are unsure if they are legitimate police officers. There have been cases of kidnappings of wealthy tourists and foreign nationals working for large international companies. The release of the captives is based on the payment of a ransom.

Places to avoid in Madagascar

There has been an increase in violence, including armed robberies, in the capital Antananarivo and southern districts of Toliara and Fianarantsoa provinces. Be vigilant in markets and busy areas, especially at night. If you plan to travel to these areas, you may want to consider hiring a reputable guide.

Safe transport in Madagascar

Bush taxis

Be cautious when traveling in bush taxis (taxi-brousse), and try to only use reputable companies, as some drivers are reckless on the roads. There is also a risk of the drivers robbing passengers.

Driving in Madagascar

If you are driving a rented vehicle, be aware reports of carjackings have increased. Most carjacking crimes occur at night, so do your best to drive during daytime.

The road conditions in Madagascar vary, from good to extremely poor depending on where you are. Many of the roads that lead out of Antananarivo, although not necessarily in bad shape, are very crowded and are steep with a lot of sharp bends.

If you are unfamiliar with the area, this can be hazardous.

During the rainy season (typically December to April), many of the secondary roads throughout the country become impassable, and bridges often wash away. Use extreme caution if you are driving during this season.


River ferries are available although service may be somewhat irregular due to frequent changes in routes.

Be particularly cautious when operating or riding on sailing vessels as the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea and the Indian Ocean all carry significant risk of piracy. You are advised to avoid any sea travel further than 12 nautical miles from shore. Always check with the local authorities prior to setting off to determine whether your chosen route is safe and passable.

Air Madagascar

In April 2011, the European Commission imposed flight restrictions on two of Air Madagascar's aircraft due to safety concerns – despite Air Madagascar having no fatal accidents since 1981.Air Madagascar has been removed from the list of airlines banned from operating within the European Union. Tsaradia and Madagasikara Airways both operate internal flights within Madagascar. 

Highway bandits

Armed bandits often position themselves on major routes after dark to ambush vehicles. Criminals have also been known to stage breakdowns that block the roadway forcing drivers to slow down in order to rob them. Lock car doors and keep windows closed at all times. Don’t stop if you’ve been involved in, or see an accident. Call the police (117) or drive to the next town and report to the police directly.

Armed hold-ups have occurred on some of the main roads in Toliara province and in the township.

Smash and grab crime

There have been increased reports of "smash and grab robberies" in which thieves will target cars stuck in traffic. Always keep your vehicle locked with the windows rolled up and make sure valuables are well hidden. Beware of local villagers who will often block the road by placing a tree log or other debris in the roadway. The villagers will then offer to assist the driver in return for monetary compensation. In addition, vehicle theft and theft from cars has become more frequent in recent months.

Petty crime in Madagascar

Instances of petty crime (mainly pickpocketing) often occur in crowded areas and airports. Foreigners are often targeted for these types of crime so take precautions when walking in street markets and urban areas.

It is highly recommended that you avoid walking at night in urban areas.

Avoid traveling alone to beach areas as this could increase your chance of being targeted for a crime.

Steer clear of street disturbances and keep in mind that large scale looting has been reported as a result of the political unrest the country is experiencing.

As in any country, it is important to never leave your bags unattended and never go near someone else's unattended bag.

Aggressive beggars in Madagascar

If your itinerary includes a visit to the Avenue de L'independence area, be prepared for beggars and street merchants who can get quite aggressive in their sales pitches.

They'll offer you anything from cigarettes to candy to DVDs and an endless array of tourist souvenirs. Some can be pushy and they often swarm around foreigners in groups so try not to be intimidated.

A polite but firm "no, thank you" should do it, although you may have to say it a dozen times to get your point across.

Thieving lemurs

Madagascar is home to some 70 different types of lemurs, so you'll certainly see a few during your stay.

If you spend time at the Berenty Reserve, you'll discover that the local ring-tailed lemurs have grown quite accustomed to tourists and the goodies they often bring with them. These smart creatures have figured out that every day at around 3:30pm many people take siestas, which provides the perfect opportunity to sneak into rooms and steal whatever they can get their little paws on.

Make sure to always keep the windows to your room closed or you may find your things missing at the hands of these cute but cunning little bandits.

Before you buy a travel insurance policy, check your government travel warnings and health advice – there may be no travel insurance cover for locations with a government travel ban or health advice against travel.

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  • Kaykay said

    There was a time when one could walk in the middle of the night with no worries anywhere in Madagascar. Now it is unthinkable. There are lots of muggings and kidnappings after the 2009 coup. Now sadly it is not a safe country any more.


  • Sexboi said

    I frequently go here to feel better about myself. It's wonderful to see all the street trash trying to get by.


  • Bernardo said

    Single motherhood, marriage without financial responsibility should end ASAP. Lowering the world population should be a priority. Too many people already. Most human beings are just a load to world resources...


  • Susan said

    I am traveling in Madagascar for my third time. Don’t use bush taxis as I have seen too many broken down. I use a guide or at least a driver. I feel quite safe here. The forests are wonderful, there are no dangerous animals in them. The people are very kind and the lemurs, geckos, and birds are very special.


  • Horrez said

    I wanted to go but they got me too scared to go now.


  • Tyrone said

    Yeah, Im not going to any place in Africa anytime soon.


  • rich poshratz said

    I travelled most of madagascar independently over 4 months at the end of 2019. I used taxi brousse where possible although i flew in and out of Fort Dauphin as the road journey is quite long (3 days) and is arduous and can be dangerous. Taxi brousse or bush taxi is the way to go on a budget and to meet locals. It may break down but you will be rescued although that may take hours. Basically it is a hard country to travel independently but it is really rewarding. The people are great... really great. poverty is shocking even for experienced travellers. Safety is better than people say but it is wise to stay alert and check yourself when out and about. Highlights are ile st marie, fort dauphin and the coast around tulear. I would go back in a heartbeat.


  • Richmond said

    Many places have become deforested. Trash everywhere, endless trash, is depressing. Think hard before spending your time here.


  • Simon chinedu said

    Well I'm only going there because of the animals nothing more,but I guess I'm scared right now
    Cause I'm a very carefree person you know
    But I don't know how to go
    Wish I knew someone there,a native or an immigrant
    I would love to visit Madagascar anytime soon
    It's one of my dream places


  • A. S. Mathew said

    I used to get a publication of a missionary Organization working in Madagascar. While reading about the poverty of the country, it is too shocking. If the rich nations and people could focus in this country to improve their standard of living, this country could have been far richer.


  • Hans said

    Mort Lee .... just asking: you are kidding about the Lemurs? how lemurs have weapons? they bite you or you meant: Locals?


  • RangerMed said

    @mortLee…can’t tell in ur post ur just being a jack ass or you truly had a terrible experience in Mad! Please advise…


  • Jeanette White said

    I think I am going to change my mind.Seen like I am better in USA.Not that thirsty for money. Do not have time to be on the bad road in another country. That country need to get it together and work with each other Africa is too big of a country to have all of these poor condition neighbors. Do not seem like the motherland to me I think I'll save my money and go to California. Or Hawaii.


    • Danielle said

      Jeanette you know Africa is not just one big country, right?


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