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Esportes e Atividades de Aventura

Seguro Viagem criado sob medida para o brasileiro aventureiro.

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Esportes de aventura, Seguro Viagem e o que nossos planos cobrem

O mundo é vasto, e isso só pode significar uma coisa – aventura é o que não falta! Na World Nomads, queremos ajudá-lo a aproveitar ao máximo suas férias e o que o planeta tem a oferecer. É por isso que oferecemos um Seguro Viagem que cobre mais de 150 esportes e atividades de aventura. Portanto, se você planeja mergulhar no México ou andar de mountain bike no Himalaia, pode ser uma boa ideia obter um Seguro Viagem para cobrir suas aventuras.

Todo mundo imagina o final perfeito para um dia divertido de ski: contar histórias ao redor de uma fogueira. Mas e se o dia terminar com você contando ao médico como bateu em uma árvore ou quebrou a perna? As coisas nem sempre saem como planejado, então todos os nossos planos incluem assistência de emergência profissional 24 horas por dia na forma de uma linha direta de suporte.

Algumas das situações cobertas pelo seu Seguro Viagem de aventura podem incluir:

Atendimento Médico de Emergência e Evacuação

Se você cair de um buggy enquanto dirige pela areia a quilômetros de qualquer cidade, podemos ajudá-lo a encontrar o hospital mais próximo e até providenciar o transporte para levá-lo até lá o mais rápido possível. Nossa equipe de Assistência Emergencial também pode entrar em contato com sua família no Brasil para informá-los sobre o que pode ter acontecido e seu estado de saúde.

Documentos Extraviados

Se você estiver pescando em alto mar e seus documentos caírem na água enquanto você lida com um atum de 110 kg, seu Seguro Viagem pode providenciar substituições para garantir que suas férias continuem e você possa voltar para casa. Nossa equipe de Assistência Emergencial também pode ajudar aqui, oferecendo orientação a sua família de como enviar dinheiro ao exterior.

Perda de Bagagem
Tudo pronto para os Alpes quando você descobre que a companhia aérea perdeu seus esquis e todas as suas roupas de inverno? Infelizmente, isso pode acontecer, então seu Seguro Viagem de aventura pode reembolsá-lo pelo equipamento de substituição enquanto a companhia aérea resolve as coisas. Lembre-se de preencher toda a papelada adequada no aeroporto e tê-la em mãos para quando estiver pronto para acionar o seguro.

Cancelamento de viagem

Você pode ter terminado a caminhada do dia pelo norte da Espanha sem problemas, mas um de seus amigos pode não ter tido tanta sorte. Se um de seus companheiros de viagem se machucar ou adoecer e você tiver que interromper sua viagem, sua apólice poderá ajudá-lo a voltar para casa e cobrir suas despesas.

a couple snorkelling
A couple snorkelling. Photo credit: Getty images / isitsharp

Que atividades são cobertas?

Existem alguns esportes radicais que nós, brasileiros, amamos especialmente, como o surf e o rapel. Embora muitas modalidades desses esportes estejam incluídas em nossos planos, há outras que são populares entre os brasileiros, como paraquedismo e alpinismo, que podem não estar.

Antes de viajar, você deve sempre ler as diferentes apólices de seguro da World Nomads - Standard, Explorer e Explorer Plus- para garantir que você tenha cobertura para tudo o que planeja fazer. Verifique também se seus companheiros de viagem estão planejando atividades de aventura para as quais você também deseja obter cobertura. Você não poderá atualizar seu plano existente no meio da viagem, portanto, sempre tome a decisão certa antes de sair de casa.

O que não está coberto

Embora a World Nomads possa oferecer seguro para uma ampla gama de esportes e eventos imprevistos, ela não pode cobrir tudo. A seguir estão algumas situações que não são cobertas:

  • Emergências de saúde relacionadas a quaisquer condições médicas pré-existentes.
  • Esportes ou atividades não cobertos pela apólice que você escolheu.
  • Participação profissional numa atividade ou esporte (ex: mountain biking ou surf profissional).
  • Qualquer coisa que aconteça se você tiver usado drogas ou álcool.
  • Comportamento imprudente ao correr riscos desnecessários.
  • Equipamentos esportivos danificados durante a viagem para o seu destino de férias podem ser cobertos, mas danos durante o uso, não.
A couple backpacking in the mountains
A couple backpacking in the mountains. Photo credit: Getty images / Jordan Siemens

Dicas de atividades de aventura para te ajudar a ter uma experiência mais segura

Escolha os guias certos

Mesmo que apenas para flutuar na piscina do hotel, você deve sempre pensar nos riscos que o rodeiam. Portanto, se você planeja descer algumas corredeiras praticando canyoning, deve estar ainda mais ciente dos riscos que pode enfrentar!

Ao escolher uma operadora turística, verifique sempre se ela está devidamente certificada e registrada para guiá-lo em sua nova e emocionante aventura.

Escolha o equipamento certo

Certifique-se de que está devidamente protegido para os esportes de aventura que planeia praticar. Verifique novamente a rede de segurança do iate de alta velocidade e coloque seu capacete e protetores ao andar de skate.

Esteja ciente de suas próprias limitações

Você pode caminhar todo dia pela cidade, mas isso não significa que seu corpo estará pronto para um dia inteiro de mountain bike nos Altos Pirinéus. Sempre avalie se a atividade na qual deseja se envolver é adequada para seus níveis específicos de condicionamento físico.

Se você tiver alguma dúvida sobre a cobertura, basta nos perguntar – ficaremos felizes em ajudar.

World Nomads covers more than 150 activities and sports, and if it’s not on the list you can contact us and we’ll let you know if we’ll cover it.

You can read more about coverage for some specific activities, or select your Country Of Residence and click here to see the activities covered by the plans available to you.

We offer cover for:

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Overseas medical assistance
  • Cancellation
  • Baggage

I bit on something hard

A bone chipped my front tooth, on the top row, and cracked it. Blood started to run down so I had an emergency visit to the dentist to repair it.
Claim paid: USD $82.33
B.P. U.S Resident in South Africa.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.


Here are our most frequently asked questions about overseas medical insurance. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Helpdesk or you can ask our customer service team. If you’re looking for general travel advice, you can ask our community at Ask a Nomad.

Photo © Westend61

Seguro Viagem para surfistas brasileiros

Chegaram as férias, é hora de surfar! Pegue uma onda no paraíso dos surfistas – mas não se esqueça do seu seguro.

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Você já conhece tudo que o litoral brasileiro tem a oferecer e agora é hora de partir para Gold Coast, Indonésia, Oahu ou todas aquelas ondas com as quais você sempre sonhou. Mas um caldo inesperado ou um encontro com uma rocha submersa podem impor uma pausa ou prematura  ao seu sonho. Portanto, antes de buscar as ondas, é uma boa ideia contratar um Seguro Viagem.

Seguro Viagem para surfistas brasileiros

Você pode até ser um surfista tarimbado e conhecer os riscos, mas surfar sabendo que está protegido em caso de acidente só melhora sua experiência. Uma apólice de viagem da World Nomads para surf pode cobrir:

Perda de bagagem: E se a companhia aérea extraviar sua valiosa prancha e outras bagagens antes mesmo que você veja o mar? Certifique-se de informar imediatamente a perda à companhia aérea e obter comprovante por escrito, preenchendo o formulário P.I.R (Property Irregularity Report).

Documentos perdidos: Perdeu seus documentos de viagem e carteira pulando de uma cidade litorânea para outra na Nicarágua? Você pode contar com seu Seguro Viagem para garantir que as substituições sejam mais tranquilas.

Atendimento médico de emergência: em um minuto você está voando sobre as ondas, no próximo você leva um caldo. Fazer um Seguro Viagem para questões médicas de emergência no exterior pode ter sido a melhor decisão que você tomou antes de viajar. 

Transporte: as melhores ondas do mundo não necessariamente ficam próximas ao hospital. Seu Seguro Viagem pode ajudá-lo a sair do paraíso isolado do surfista e se dirigir ao centro médico mais próximo para tratamento.

Cancelamento de viagem: Se você ou um acompanhante sofrer um acidente nas ondas ou ficar doente, o que significa que sua viagem terá que ser  interrompida, sua apólice pode ajudá-lo a voltar para casa e recuperar suas despesas de viagem pré-pagas.

Além do surf, sua apólice World Nomads também pode cobrir:

  • Surf terrestre
  • Stand-up paddle surf (SUP)
  • Windsurf
  • Sandboard
  • Kiteboarding
  • Wakeboarding

Leia sua apólice de Seguro Viagem detalhadamente, pois certas formas complementares de tratamento médico podem não ser cobertas por acidentes relacionados ao surfe.

O que não está coberto pelo Seguro Viagem para surf?

A World Nomads quer contribuir para que as pessoas possam explorar tudo que o mundo tem a oferecer. Mas você não deve visitar regiões que forem consideradas inseguras ou desaconselháveis para viajar, e você sempre precisa ser sensato e tomar cuidado. A World Nomads não pode cobrir tudo, portanto, esteja ciente de alguns pontos, como:

  • Não vá para o mar depois de beber ou usar drogas.
  • Não podemos oferecer cobertura se você não seguir as orientações de seu médico após um acidente.
  • Você deve sempre cuidar de seus objetos pessoais.
  • Se algo acontecer com você como resultado de uma condição médica pré-existente, seu tratamento não poderá ser coberto.

Se você é iniciante, faça aulas em uma escola de surf. Não procure um tubo ou uma rampa direto!

Como aproveitar ao máximo seu Seguro Viagem

Como surfista, há uma boa chance de você querer experimentar outros esportes ou atividades de aventura durante as férias.

A World Nomads oferece cobertura para mais de 150 esportes e atividades diferentes e emocionantes que você pode experimentar enquanto viaja pelo exterior. Mas você deve estudar os diferentes planos - Standard, Explorer e Explorer Plus - para decidir qual é o certo para você.

Aproveitar suas férias ao máximo geralmente significa tomar as decisões certas. Então, ao sair para surfar:

  • fique de olho nos alertas de tempestade
  • reconheça os seus próprios limites e respeite os sinais de alerta do oceano
  • verifique a área com antecedência e fique atento a rochas e recifes submersos
  • pode ser uma boa ideia surfar com outras pessoas para que vocês possam se revezar para ficar com as coisas de todos na praia. Seu seguro não cobrirá a perda de seus pertences se eles forem deixados sem vigilância.

Obviamente, em férias de surf, é para isso que você deseja uma cobertura específica. Mas os planos de Seguro Viagem da World Nomads cobrem muitas outras situações inesperadas e às vezes inevitáveis que podem acontecer quando você está viajando.

Você pode precisar de cuidados médicos depois de torcer o tornozelo subindo a colina para outra praia ou depois de comer frutos do mar locais que não caíram muito bem. Ainda existe a possibilidade de você pegar o COVID-19. Aconteça o que acontecer, o Seguro Viagem para emergências médicas é importante, pois pode fornecer assistência e atenção médica quando você estiver longe de casa.

A equipe de assistência de emergência da World Nomads também pode oferecer ajuda 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, em diversos eventos inesperados. Isso pode incluir ajudar a encontrar o hospital ou delegacia de polícia mais próximos ou informar sua família no Brasil sobre qualquer emergência e ajudá-lo a receber valores de maneira rápida e fácil se você estiver em dificuldades.

Obviamente, este é apenas um breve resumo de por que é uma boa ideia ter um Seguro Viagem se você estiver de férias para surfar. Para obter informações mais detalhadas, leia atentamente as opções de apólice disponíveis. Se você tiver alguma dúvida, entre em contato.


Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.

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Adventure Sports and Activities

Travel insurance designed for adventures while traveling.

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Adventure sports, travel insurance and what’s covered by our plans

It’s a wide, wide world, and that can only mean one thing – Adventure! Here at World Nomads, we believe in helping you get the most out of your vacation and the most out of what the planet has to offer. That’s why we offer travel insurance covering more than 150 adventure sports and activities. So if you’re planning on scuba diving in Mexico or mountain biking the Himalayas, it may be a good idea to get travel insurance to cover your adventures.

Everyone envisages the end of a fun day skiing telling stories around a log fire, but what if it ends up with you telling the doctor how you hit a tree or broke your leg? Things don’t always go as planned, so all our policies include round-the-clock professional emergency assistance in the form of a support hotline.

Some of the situations covered by your adventure travel insurance may include:

Emergency Medical Care and Evacuation

If you tumble out of a dune-buggy miles from anywhere, we can help direct you to the nearest hospital and may even be able to arrange the transportation to get you there as soon as possible. Our Emergency Assistance team may also be able to contact your family back in Brazil to let them know what might have happened and how you are getting on.

Lost documents

If you’re out deep-sea fishing when your documents fell overboard while hauling in a 110kg tuna, your travel insurance may be able to arrange replacements to ensure your vacation continues and you’ll be able to get back home. Our Emergency Assistance team may be able to help here as well, offering guidance on getting money wired from overseas.

Baggage Loss

All ready to hit the Alpine slopes only to discover the airline has lost your skis and all your winter clothing? Unfortunately, it can happen, so your adventure travel insurance may be able to reimburse you for replacement gear while the airline sorts things out. Just remember to complete all the proper paperwork at the airport and keep it safe for when you’re ready to claim.

Trip cancellation

You might have finished the day’s trekking across Northern Spain without a hitch, but one of your buddies might not have been so lucky. If one of your traveling companions injures themselves or falls ill and you have to cut your trip short, your policy may be able to help you get back home and cover you for lost expenses.

a couple snorkelling
A couple snorkelling. Photo credit: Getty images / isitsharp

What activities are covered?

There are some radical sports which we in Brazil particularly love, such as surfing and rappelling. While many forms of these sports are included in our policies, there are others which are popular amongst Brazilians, such as skydiving and mountain climbing, which may not be.

Before traveling, you should always read through the different World Nomads insurance policies - Standard, Explorer and Explorer Plusto make sure you get coverage for all you plan on doing. Also check whether your travel companions are planning any adventure activities that you might want to get coverage for as well. You won’t be able to upgrade your existing plan mid-trip, so always make the right decision before leaving home.

What’s not covered

While World Nomads may provide insurance for a wide range of sports and unforeseen events, it can’t cover everything. The following are some situations that won’t be covered:

  • Healthcare emergencies related to any pre-existing medical conditions.
  • Sports or activities not covered in the policy you have chosen.
  • Professional participation in an activity or sport (e.g.: professional mountain biking or surfing).
  • Anything that happens if you have taken drugs or alcohol. Water and wine don’t mix!
  • Reckless behavior or taking needless risk.
  • Sports equipment damaged while traveling to your vacation destination may be covered, but damage while in use won’t be.
A couple backpacking in the mountains
A couple backpacking in the mountains. Photo credit: Getty images / Jordan Siemens

Adventure activity tips to help you have a safer experience

Choose the right guide

Even if you’re just floating on a tube in the hotel pool, you should always be aware of the risks surrounding you. So if you’re planning to tube down some canyon rapids, you should be that much more aware of risks you face!

When choosing a tour operator, always check they are properly certified and registered to guide you through your exciting new adventure.

Choose the right gear

Make sure you are properly protected for the adventure sports you plan on doing. Double-check the harness on that high-speed yacht and pop on your helmet and pads when going skateboarding.

Be aware of your own limitations

You may ride around town every day at home, but that doesn’t mean that your body will be ready for a full day’s mountain biking in the high Pyrenees. Always take a step back and sensibly consider whether the activity you want to get involved in is suitable for your specific levels of fitness.

If you have any questions about coverage, just ask us – we’re happy to help.

World Nomads covers more than 150 activities and sports, and if it’s not on the list you can contact us and we’ll let you know if we’ll cover it.

You can read more about coverage for some specific activities, or select your Country Of Residence and click here to see the activities covered by the plans available to you.

We offer cover for:

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Overseas medical assistance
  • Cancellation
  • Baggage

I bit on something hard

A bone chipped my front tooth, on the top row, and cracked it. Blood started to run down so I had an emergency visit to the dentist to repair it.
Claim paid: USD $82.33
B.P. U.S Resident in South Africa.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.


Here are our most frequently asked questions about overseas medical insurance. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Helpdesk or you can ask our customer service team. If you’re looking for general travel advice, you can ask our community at Ask a Nomad.

Photo © Westend61

Surfing travel insurance

World-class breaks and classic beach towns. Surf’s up! Where’s your travel insurance?

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Stoked to be hitting those waves you’ve only dreamed of until now? You’ve mastered all that Brazil’s coasts have to offer and now it’s off to the Gold Coast, Indonesia or Oahu. But an awkward wipeout or an encounter with hidden rock could bring your dream to a premature end. So before paddling out, it’s a good idea to have your travel insurance in place.

What’s covered by travel insurance for surfing?

You might be a seasoned surfer and know the risks, but riding the waves knowing that you’re covered in the event of an accident makes you a smart surfer. A World Nomads travel policy for surfing may cover:

  • Baggage Loss: What if the airline misplaces your prized board and other baggage before you’ve even seen the ocean? Make sure you follow the correct Property Irregularity Procedures and your insurance may mean you can still head to the beach.

  • Lost documents: Mislaid your travel documents and wallet hopping from one beach town to another in Nicaragua? You may be able to rely on your travel insurance to ensure arranging replacements is smooth and easy.

  • Emergency Medical Care: One minute you’re flying across the waves, the next you’ve seriously wiped out. Getting overseas travel insurance for urgent or emergency medical issues before traveling may have been the best decision you make if you have an accident or even suffer a disability.

  • Transportation: The world’s best swells aren’t necessarily conveniently located next to the local hospital. Your travel insurance may well help you get from your secluded surfer’s paradise to the nearest medical center for treatment.

  • Trip cancellation: If you or a travel companion has an accident on the waves or falls ill, meaning your trip is cut short, your policy may help you get back home and recover your pre-paid travel expenses.

Besides wave surfing, your World Nomads policy may also cover:

  • Land surfing
  • Stand-up paddle surfing
  • Windsurfing
  • Sandboarding
  • Kitesurfing
  • Wakeboarding

Be sure to read through your travel insurance policy carefully as certain complementary forms of medical treatment may not be covered for surfing-related accidents.

What's not covered for surfing travel insurance?

World Nomads believes in providing support so that everyone has the chance to explore all the world has to offer. But you shouldn’t visit regions that have been deemed unsafe or unadvisable for travel, and you always need to be sensible and take care. World Nomads can’t cover everything, so please be aware of a few things, such as:

  • If you’re a beginner, take lessons at a surf school. Don’t go looking for a wave ‘pocket’ or a ‘ramp’!
  • Don’t go out on the ocean after drinking or taking drugs.
  • We can’t cover you if you don’t follow your doctor’s advice after an accident.
  • You should always take due care of your personal items when heading out on the waves.
  • If anything happens to you as a result of a pre-existing medical condition, you can’t expect to have your treatment covered.

How to get the most out of your travel insurance

As a surfer, there’s a good chance you’re going to be up for trying a few other adventure sports or activities while on vacation.

World Nomads provides cover for more than 150 different exciting sports and activities that you can try out while traveling overseas. But you should always make sure you carefully read the different policies - Standard, Explorer and Explorer Plus  - and decide which one is right for you.

Enjoying your vacation to the max often means making the right decisions. So when heading out for those early morning breaks:

  • keep an eye on the storm warnings.
  • recognize your own limits and respect the ocean’s warning signs.
  • check out the area beforehand and watch out for submerged rocks and reefs.
  • it may be a good idea to surf with others so you can always take it in turns to stay with everyone’s stuff on the beach. Your insurance won’t cover it if your belongings have been left unattended.

Obviously, on a surfing vacation, this is what you’ll want specific coverage for. But World Nomads travel policies cover many of those other unexpected and sometimes unavoidable things that can happen when away from home.

You may need medical attention after twisting your ankle hiking over the hill to another beach or eating some local seafood that didn’t agree with you. There is still even the possibility that you might catch COVID-19. Whatever happens, travel insurance for medical emergencies is important as it may provide you with medical care and attention when far from home.

The World Nomads emergency assistance team can also provide you with 24/7 help on a range of unexpected events. These may include providing guidance to the nearest hospital or police station or informing your family back home of any emergencies and helping receive funds quickly and easily if you find yourself in difficulty.

Obviously, this is just a brief outline of why it’s a good idea to have some travel insurance if you’re on a surfing vacation. For more detailed information, get a quote online and carefully read through the policy options available. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.

Photo © IStock/Getty

Adventure Sports and Activities

Travel insurance designed for adventures while travelling.

    Trusted by:

  • Trusted by:

Whether you’re planning on going to Brazil, Spain, Thailand or the USA, make sure you’re prepared for any adventure activities you plan to do while abroad. Our plans offer coverage for more than 150 adventure sports and activities, from hiking, snowboarding, scuba diving, hot-air ballooning, skiing, and more. Before you go, be sure you understand the sports cover that is included with your selected World Nomads travel insurance policy, check your itinerary and the weather, and bring the correct gear to ensure you have a safe experience.

What adventure sports activities are covered by travel insurance?

During your trip, you may want to try activities and sports that aren’t commonly done in Canada. You are automatically covered to participate in various activities under both the Standard Plan and Explorer Plan, however you must add any adventure, sports, work or volunteer activities that you think you’ll be doing while on your trip, at the time you purchase your policy, to make sure you are covered. Check the selected policy before you complete your purchase for the selected limits, as an upgrade for certain sports may be required and terms and conditions, limitations and exclusions apply.

As long as the activity is listed on your policy, if something goes wrong, your coverage may include benefits for:

World Nomads provides travel insurance for more than 150 activities, sports and experiences but it doesn’t cover everything so don’t assume every activity is included and covered.

If you’re planning on doing a specific sport or activity that isn’t listed as Level 1, then you may need to upgrade your policy. Sports and activities listed as Level 2 or Level 3 require an upgrade and an additional premium. Upgrades must be purchased when you buy your policy. Some activities have special conditions and special exclusions. You can contact us if you have any questions around coverage for any activities you plan to do.

a couple snorkelling
A couple snorkelling. Photo credit: Getty images / isitsharp

What benefits are available for adventure activities?

World Nomads plans offer a variety of benefits that can help when doing adventure sports while overseas, and your coverage benefit limit will vary depending on whether you choose our Standard Plan or our Explorer plan. Read your policy for details on terms and conditions, maximum benefit limits, and any exclusions:

Emergency medical expenses while outside Canada: Our plans offer cover for expenses incurred resulting from injury, sickness or death while on your trip. If at any time during your holiday, you or any of your traveling companions become sick or injured, you’ll need to contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team as soon as possible. Our team can assist to locate the nearest hospital or medical facility and may transport you back to Canada if a treating doctor determines this to be medically necessary.

Trip cancellation: If you must cancel your trip due to a covered risk, we cover up to the maximum limit under the policy for your non-refundable prepaid trip costs of your unused travel arrangements. For example, if you or any of your travel companions get sick or injured and you need to cancel your holiday, we may cover prepaid and non-refundable expenses. Please note that you’ll need to submit documents when filing a trip cancellation claim for a covered reason. Depending on your case, you'll need copies of:

  • Receipts
  • Itineraries
  • Doctors/death certificates
  • Medical history
  • Written documentation from your travel provider outlining any refund you received and their cancellation penalties

Coverage for baggage and personal belongings: The policy provides coverage if your baggage or personal belongings becomes lost or damaged by your Common Carrier or stolen. You’ll need to have receipts, along with reports from the authorities or an incident report from your airline or other carrier (if your belongings were lost in transit) in order to submit a claim.

A couple backpacking in the mountains
A couple backpacking in the mountains. Photo credit: Getty images / Jordan Siemens

What’s not covered?

Here are some examples of what is not covered under our plans. Please refer to your policy for the complete list:

  • Pre-existing medical conditions (Please refer to the Exclusions for Emergency Medical and Dental Coverage section of the policy wording for more information on coverage for pre-existing medical conditions).
  • If you do not use a professional qualified and licensed guide or operator where required.
  • Any search or rescue operations to find or rescue you from a life-threatening situation.
  • If you refuse to be repatriated or evacuated.
  • Damage to any sports or activity equipment while in use.
  • Unattended baggage or personal items.
  • If you participate in any sport or engage in any activity on a professional basis.

This is only a summary of coverage and does not include the full terms and conditions of the policy. It is important you read and understand your policy as it contains benefits, conditions, exclusions and pre-existing condition exclusions. If you do not understand your coverage, or if you have questions about your coverage, just ask us.


What questions should I ask when choosing a plan?

When purchasing your travel insurance policy you may be tempted to take the most cost-effective option without reading the policy first. Whilst reading the policy document can be a time-consuming task, it’s best to familiarize yourself with all the benefits, policy limits and exclusions before you buy your policy.

World Nomads offer two travel insurance plans, the Standard Plan and the Explorer Plan. Both plans offer levels of protection for many of the same types of risks and offer cover for, hospitalization, repatriation, lost, stolen or damaged baggage, and other unexpected costs.

However, the Explorer Plan offers higher policy benefit limits. For example, the Standard Plan offers a maximum benefit limit for emergency medical expenses of $5M, whereas the Explorer Plan offers a maximum benefit limit of $10M.

When choosing which policy is best matched to your needs you should ask yourself:

  • How much trip cancellation coverage do I need? (Our Standard Plan covers a maximum limit of $2,500 and our Explorer Plan covers a maximum limit of $5,000)
  • How much emergency medical coverage do I need?
  • What kind of activities will I be doing on holiday?
  • What activities is my travel party planning?
  • What coverage do the two different plans offer for these activities?
  • What exclusions might apply?

Note: choose your policy carefully as you can’t upgrade from a Standard Plan to an Explorer Plan mid-trip.

Can I buy travel insurance? I’ve already started traveling.

If you forgot to buy travel insurance before you left home, you can still purchase while you’re travelling. Note that a waiting period may apply for some benefits.

Can I extend my policy?

Your policy may be extended up to a maximum 12 months (365 days) from your original policy start date. To qualify and apply for a policy extension:

  • You must not have made a claim, or have a reason to claim, on your original policy.
  • The request for an extension must be made through, and approved by, World Nomads prior to your original scheduled return date.

You may qualify for a policy extension if you have sought emergency medical treatment or filed a claim for emergency medical treatment prior to extending your trip, however any subsequent medical treatment related to your emergency will not be covered under the extension of coverage.

You must have been eligible for the insurance that you seek to extend at the time of your original booking of your trip and at the time of the request for the extension.

Please note that:

  • Policy extensions are not eligible to be refunded.
  • The 10-day ‘Right to Examine’ period does not apply.

If you are travelling and want to extend your trip, you can purchase a policy extension by logging into your World Nomads membership account. Select your current policy and follow the prompts to extend your policy.

World Nomads covers more than 150 activities and sports, and if it’s not on the list you can contact us and we’ll let you know if we’ll cover it.

You can read more about coverage for some specific activities, or select your Country Of Residence and click here to see the activities covered by the plans available to you.

We offer cover for:

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Overseas medical assistance
  • Cancellation
  • Baggage

I bit on something hard

A bone chipped my front tooth, on the top row, and cracked it. Blood started to run down so I had an emergency visit to the dentist to repair it.
Claim paid: USD $82.33
B.P. U.S Resident in South Africa.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.


Here are our most frequently asked questions about overseas medical insurance. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Helpdesk or you can ask our customer service team. If you’re looking for general travel advice, you can ask our community at Ask a Nomad.

Travel insurance designed for adventures while traveling.

    Trusted by:

  • Trusted by:

Whether you’re planning a trip to Costa Rica, Iceland, South Africa or Canada, make sure you’re prepared for any adventure activities you plan to do while abroad. Before you go, be sure to check your route and the weather, and pack the correct gear for a safer experience.

You may want to consider purchasing travel insurance as our plans offer coverage for more than 150 adventure sports and activities ranging from hiking, snowboarding, scuba diving, hot-air ballooning, skiing, and more.

Check your policy as your level of activity and sports cover is subject to terms and conditions, limitations and exclusions.

Adventure sports, travel insurance and what is covered by our plans

The following is a sample of what World Nomads plans offer (up to the benefit limits):

Emergency medical and evacuation: If during your trip, you or any of your traveling companions become sick or injured, then you’ll need to contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team as soon as possible. Our team can help to locate the nearest hospital or medical facility and may transport you back to the U.S. if your treating doctor deems this to be medically necessary.

Trip cancellation: If you or anyone in your party gets sick or injured and you need to cancel your plans, we may cover prepaid and non-refundable travel expenses up to the policy limits. You’ll need to submit documentation when filing a trip cancellation claim for a covered reason listed in your policy. Depending on your case, you'll need copies of:

  • Receipts
  • Itineraries
  • Doctors/death certificates
  • Medical history
  • Written documentation from your travel provider explaining the reason for cancellation and any proof of compensation

Coverage for extended stays: if you’re having a great time on your trip and choose to delay your return to the US, then you may extend your travel insurance policy. You must not have had any change to your health, submitted a claim or intend to, and are 69 years old or younger at the time to be eligible to extend. This must be done prior to 11:59pm on the return date listed on your policy. The policy may be extended for a total of 12 months from the start date on your Certificate of Insurance.

Coverage for baggage and personal belongings: if your baggage or personal items are lost, damaged or stolen, then you’ll need to submit receipts, along with police reports or an incident report from your carrier (if your belongings were lost in transit). Your coverage will vary according to your specific policy and whether you choose a Standard or an Explorer plan. Read your policy for details on terms and conditions, maximum benefit limits, and exclusions of your coverage.

Extra coverage in case Covid-19 catches you off-guard: You may be covered for medically necessary expenses if you get Covid-19. To find out what cover applies to you, read our Covid-19 coverage article, which has all the details, including benefit limits, conditions, and exclusions.

If you forgot to buy travel insurance before you left home, you can still purchase while you’re traveling. Note that a waiting period may apply for some benefits.

What activities are covered?

During your trip, you may wish to try activities and sports that aren’t commonly done in the U.S. If the activity is listed in your policy, and if something unexpected happens, your coverage may include benefits for:

  • Emergency Medical Expenses while outside the U.S.
  • Medical Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Trip Interruption

Before purchasing your travel insurance policy, ensure that all the sports and activities that you intend to do are covered. World Nomads provides travel insurance for over 150 activities, sports and experiences. While this list might seem huge, it doesn’t cover everything. That’s why you shouldn’t take for granted that your preferred activities will be covered.

To have cover for a specific sport or activity, you may need to add it to your policy or select a plan with more coverage when you buy and pay the extra premium. You can contact us if you have question. We can assist you with making sure you are covered for the activities you plan to do.

Questions to ask when choosing a plan

It may be tempting to consider the cheapest coverage option without reading the policy wording. Different plans may cover different types of trips and although reading the document can be a tedious task, it’s best to familiarize yourself with all the benefits, policy limits and exclusions before you buy.

World Nomads offer two travel insurance plans, the Standard Plan and the Explorer Plan. Both plans may offer protection for many of the same types of risks and could cover the costs associated with hospitalization, repatriation, replacing lost baggage, as well as other unplanned expenses.

However, the Explorer Plan offers a wider level of coverage, with a greater range of benefits, and higher policy limits. For instance, you might wish to include coverage for hiking or diving on your trip. When choosing between the two plans, you’ll need to know the exact altitudes of your hiking trips and the depths of your planned dives.

When deciding which policy is best matched to your adventures you might want to ask yourself:

  • What kind of activities will I be doing on vacation?
  • What activities are my travel companions planning?
  • What coverage do the two different plans offer for these activities?
  • What exclusions might apply?

Note: please choose your policy carefully as you can’t upgrade from a Standard Plan to an Explorer Plan mid-trip.

What’s not covered?

Here are some examples of what is not covered under our plans. Please refer to your policy for the complete list.

  • Pre-existing medical conditions.
  • If you do not use a professional qualified and licensed guide or operator where required.
  • Damage to any sports or activity equipment while in use.
  • Unattended baggage or personal items.
  • You’re behaving in a reckless manner, or your actions are in breach of the local laws.
  • If you participate in any sport or engage in any activity on a professional basis.

This is not a full list of what's covered and what's not covered. There are limits and conditions that apply, so for more information read your policy carefully before you buy.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.

Photo © IStock/Getty

Adventure Sports and Activities

Travel insurance designed for adventures while travelling.

    Trusted by:

  • Trusted by:

Adventure Sports and Activities

For many Irish travellers the need to go exploring the great outdoors and seek some adventure activities is a must when on a holiday. While it’s exciting to try out new adrenaline pumping activities that you don’t get to do back home in Ireland you should also consider travel insurance when preparing for your next adventure.

Adventure sports, travel insurance and what’s covered by our plans

Whether you’re picking up a new sport or you’re a seasoned outdoors adventure person, World Nomads offers cover (up to the policy limits) for the following:

Activities and sports cover: travel and outdoor adventures go hand-in-hand, that’s why our policies offer cover more than 150 sports, experiences, and activities. While some activities are considered less dangerous, other types of activities such as rock climbing require an insurance upgrade and an additional premium.

Emergency medical and evacuation coverage – if you unexpectedly get sick or injured at any time during your holiday, seek medical assistance straight away. Contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team to advise them of your situation and sort out any further care requirements. They can contact the hospital where you’re staying to arrange payment for your accommodation, treatment, and medications. We may also cover the cost of your repatriation back to Ireland if your injury or illness is serious enough. However, this must be determined by your treating doctor in consultation with our Emergency Assistance team. Exclusions, and in some cases, excesses apply.

Baggage and valuables coverage – if any of your luggage or personal items are lost, stolen or damaged, then you may be covered for the costs of replacing these. Make sure you have your receipts as you’ll need to submit these when you claim. Always report any stolen belongings to the local police and request a police report. If there were any witnesses to the incident, then ask them to accompany you to the police station to give their statement. Witness statements should be included with your other supporting documentation.

Extended stays – if you’re having the time of your life on holiday and don’t want to return home to Ireland just yet, then you may extend your travel insurance policy accordingly. Extensions can be approved for up to a maximum of 12 months from the starting date listed on your Certificate of Insurance. Applications for policy extensions must be made prior to 11:59pm on the date that your existing policy expires, however we suggest not waiting to the last day to submit your request.

Trip cancellation costs – few things in life are more disappointing than having to cancel a long-awaited holiday due to unexpected sickness or a last-minute injury. Should you or one of your travel companions become injured or sick after making your holiday arrangements, and need to cancel your trip, then we may cover your non-refundable travel expenses such as accommodation and flights. You will need to provide medical evidence to substantiate your claim.

a couple snorkelling
A couple snorkelling. Photo credit: Getty images / isitsharp

What activities are covered?

While many Irish live and breathe their Gaelic games, rugby, and soccer, we also know that our travellers have a vast range of sporting preferences. That’s why we offer cover for over 150 different sports, activities, and experiences. While the list may seem long, by no means do we cover every single sport or activity.

Always make sure that any planned sports and activities that you’ll be doing are clearly stated. If you’re injured playing a sport that is not listed in your Policy Wording, then any claim you submit, may not be approved.

World Nomads offers two travel insurance plans, the Standard Plan and the Explorer Plan. These plans both offer cover for expenses in connection with hospitalisation, lost luggage, repatriation, and more. However, the Explorer Plan costs more than the Standard Plan as it offers higher policy limits and more benefits.

Always read through the Policy Wording to decide which plan is best suited for the activities and sports that you have planned. If you’re not sure if something you’re planning on doing while on holiday is covered, please contact us.

What level of sports and activity cover do I get?

Our travel insurance plans categorise sports and leisure activities into four separate levels. Travellers are covered for all sports and activities listed under the level of cover they select, as well as those leisure pursuits assigned to any lower levels. The following is just a small selection of the sports we cover. Please check your Policy Wording for the full list.

Level 1

  • Camping (to a maximum of 3,000 metres)
  • Cricket
  • Dance (ballet, ballroom, capoeira, salsa, and interpretive dance)
  • Roller skating

Level 2

  • Mountain biking (downhill)
  • Rock climbing
  • Rugby (League/Union)
  • Running (marathons)
  • Water skiing (barefoot)

Level 3

  • Snowmobiling
  • Skiing/snowboarding
  • Hiking (to a maximum of 6,000 metres)
  • Motorbiking/trail biking (off-road under 125cc)

Level 4

  • Mountaineering (to a maximum of 6,000 metres)
  • Paragliding/parapenting
  • Snow rafting
  • Triathlon (full distance)

Travel insurance tip 1: several of our covered activities or sports are listed on multiple levels to reflect the varying degrees of difficulty or intensity. Always check before you go that you have the right level of cover for your desired activities, as you cannot upgrade to a higher level or add any other sports, after you’re trip has begun.

What’s not covered

Here are just a few of our travel insurance exclusions. For the entire list, please check your Policy Wording.

  • If your behaviour was reckless, or your actions were in violation of the laws of that country.
  • Being intoxicated by alcohol or prohibited substances.
  • Unattended belongings and luggage that is stolen, lost, or damaged.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions unless otherwise expressly stated in your policy.
  • Dental treatment that is not undertaken to alleviate any constant pain or discomfort. An example could be an implant procedure to replace a tooth that had been extracted in a surgery that you had years ago.

Questions to ask when choosing a plan

Before selecting a plan, it’s best to know what types of sports and activities you and your travel buddies will be enjoying when you’re overseas. These are just some of the questions for you to consider when picking a travel insurance plan:

  • What sports and activities will I be engaging in on my holiday?
  • What sports and activities do my friends have planned? Make sure you ask them about their holiday plans to be certain that they don’t have any surprise activities up their sleeves. A spur of the moment decision to play a sport that you’re not covered for might be fun, but would you really want to take such a risk?
  • What types of equipment, footwear, or protective clothing will you need for your preferred activities?
  • Do you need a licensed tour guide or instructor for any of your leisure activities? If so, have you checked that the person is in fact certified?
  • What are the depths of my dives, altitudes of my hikes, or distances of my competitions? These types of details all need to be established before choosing your plan.

Travel insurance tip 2: Irish travellers, if you require any medical treatment during your trip while outside of Ireland (and as soon as your medically able to do so) you’ll need to contact your private medical insurance (PMI) provider (if applicable) and follow their emergency medical procedures and claims procedures. Where your PMI provider cannot provide assistance, get in touch with our 24-hour Emergency Assistance Team as soon as reasonably possible before incurring medical costs, and also please provide us with details of your PMI provider to help us coordinate your care. For more information on what to do please refer to the section titled, ‘Health conditions & your policy’ in your Policy Wording.

A couple backpacking in the mountains
A couple backpacking in the mountains. Photo credit: Getty images / Jordan Siemens

Overseas adventure activity tips to help you have a safer experience

Are you fit enough for that?

Overseas holidays offer a selection of leisure activities, many of which you may not have ever tried. Before you go trying new experiences, think about your fitness and plan your activities accordingly. Whatever you’re planning, make sure it’s something you’re physically capable of.

The right gear

When participating in a sport or activity, always wear safety gear. For example, wear a helmet when cycling or riding a scooter. Before embarking on that mountain climbing expedition, ask yourself if you have the right equipment required for such an undertaking.

Your activity operator should be certified/accredited

Make sure operators are certified and/or accredited by the appropriate body. For example, diving instructors should be registered with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). 

Keep a watch on your sporting equipment

Nothing beats the feeling of elation that comes from being victorious in a game of sport. Yet before you rush off to hit the bar with your teammates, it’s a good idea to lock up any sporting equipment first. All too often valuable sporting gear and bags are left unattended or even worse, forgotten about.

Opportunistic thieves can take advantage of these situations. No matter how safe you think your sporting gear is, never leave it unattended. If you can’t take your equipment with you or back to your hotel, then place it in a locker or keep it locked in a room.

This is a summary only. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the plans described. Please refer to the Policy Wording for complete details of cover and exclusions. If you are unsure of your level of travel cover, please contact us for help.

World Nomads covers more than 150 activities and sports, and if it’s not on the list you can contact us and we’ll let you know if we’ll cover it.

You can read more about coverage for some specific activities to see the activities covered by the plans available to you.

We offer cover for:

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Overseas medical assistance
  • Cancellation
  • Baggage

I bit on something hard

A bone chipped my front tooth, on the top row, and cracked it. Blood started to run down so I had an emergency visit to the dentist to repair it.
Claim paid: USD $82.33
B.P. U.S Resident in South Africa.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.


Here are our most frequently asked questions about adventure activities and sports insurance. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Helpdesk or you can ask our customer service team

Photo © IStock/Getty

Adventure Sports and Activities

Travel insurance designed for adventures while traveling.

    Trusted by:

  • Trusted by:

Adventure Sports and Activities

For many travellers, one of the most exciting parts of planning an overseas holiday is deciding what activities and sports to play during their trip. Overseas holidays present the perfect chance to indulge in all your favourite sports; or try a new adrenaline pumping activity that you don’t get to do back home in the UK.

No matter whether you’re packing your cricket bat or that expensive pair of hiking boots, it might be worth considering travel insurance when preparing for your trip.

Adventure sports, travel insurance and what’s covered by our plans

Whether you’re picking up a new sport or you’re a seasoned outdoors adventure person, World Nomads offers cover (up to the policy limits) for the following:

Activities and sports cover: travel and adventure go hand-in-hand, that’s why our policies offer cover more than 200 sports, experiences, and activities. While some activities are considered less dangerous, other types of activities such as rock climbing require an insurance upgrade and an additional premium.

Emergency medical and evacuation coverage – if you suddenly become sick or injured at any time during your holiday, seek medical assistance straight away. Contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team to advise them of your situation and sort out any further care requirements. They can contact the hospital where you’re staying to arrange payment for your accommodation, treatment, and medications. We may also cover the cost of your repatriation back to the UK if your injury or illness is serious enough. However, this must be determined by your treating doctor in consultation with our Emergency Assistance team. Exclusions, and in some cases excesses, do apply. These medical transport and repatriation benefits are payable, subject to our approval, for up to a maximum of 12 months from the date the sudden illness first manifested or the injury happened.

Baggage and personal belongings coverage – if any of your luggage or personal items are lost, stolen or damaged, then you may be covered for the costs of replacing these. Make sure you have your receipts as you will need to submit these when you claim. Always report any stolen belongings to the local police and request a police report. If there were any witnesses to the incident, then ask them to accompany you to the police station to give their statement. Witness statements should be included with your other supporting documentation.

Extended stays – if you’re having the time of your life on holiday and don’t want to return home to the UK just yet, then you may extend your travel insurance policy accordingly. Extensions can be approved for up to a maximum of 12 months from the starting date listed on your Certificate of Insurance. Applications for policy extensions must be made prior to 11:59pm on the date that your existing policy expires, however we suggest not waiting to the last day to submit your request.

Trip cancellation costs – few things in life are more disappointing than having to cancel a long-awaited holiday due to unexpected sickness or a last-minute injury. Should you or one of your travel companions become injured or sick after making your holiday arrangements, and need to cancel your trip, then we may cover your non-refundable travel expenses such as accommodation and flights. You will need to provide medical evidence to substantiate your claim.

a couple snorkelling
A couple snorkelling. Photo credit: Getty images / isitsharp

What activities are covered?

While many Brits live and breathe their football and cricket, we also know that our travellers have a vast range of sporting preferences. That’s why we offer cover for over 200 different sports, activities, and experiences. While the list is long, by no means do we cover every single sport or activity.

Always make sure that any planned sports and activities that you’ll be doing are clearly stated. If you’re injured playing a sport that is not listed in your Policy Wording, then any claim you submit, may not be approved.

World Nomads offers two travel insurance plans, the Standard Plan and the Explorer Plan. These plans both offer cover for expenses in connection with hospitalisation, lost luggage, repatriation, and more. However, the Explorer Plan costs more than the Standard Plan as it offers higher policy limits and more benefits.

Always read through the Policy Wording to decide which plan is best suited for the activities and sports that you have planned. If you’re not sure if something you’re planning on doing while on holiday is covered, please contact us.

What level of sports and activity cover do I get?

Our travel insurance plans categorise sports and leisure activities into four separate levels. Travellers are covered for all sports and activities listed under the level of cover they select, as well as those leisure pursuits assigned to any lower levels. The following is just a small selection of the sports we cover. Please check your Policy Wording for the full list.

Level 1

  • Camping (to a maximum of 3,000 metres)
  • Cricket
  • Dance (ballet, ballroom, capoeira, salsa, and interpretive dance)
  • Roller skating

Level 2

  • Mountain biking (downhill)
  • Rock climbing
  • Rugby (League/Union)
  • Running (marathons)
  • Water skiing (barefoot)

Level 3

  • Snowmobiling
  • Skiing/snowboarding (includes cross country, Nordic on marked trails)
  • Hiking (to a maximum of 6,000 metres)
  • Motorbiking/trail biking (off-road under 125cc)

Level 4

  • Skiing/snowboarding (terrain park in resort; outside resort boundaries; back country; helicopter/snow; alpine touring)
  • Snow rafting
  • Mountaineering (to a maximum of 6,000 metres)
  • Paragliding/parapenting
  • Snow rafting
  • Triathlon (full distance)

Travel insurance tip 1: several of our covered activities or sports are listed on multiple levels to reflect the varying degrees of difficulty or intensity. Always check before you go that you have the right level of cover for your desired activities, as you cannot upgrade to a higher level or add any other sports, after your trip has begun.

What’s not covered

Here are just a few of our travel insurance exclusions. For the entire list, please check your Policy Wording.

  • If your behaviour was reckless, or your actions were in violation of the laws of that country.
  • Being intoxicated by alcohol or prohibited substances.
  • Unattended belongings and luggage that is stolen, lost, or damaged.
  • Pre-existing medical conditions unless otherwise expressly stated in your policy.
  • Dental treatment that is not undertaken to alleviate any constant pain or discomfort. An example could be an implant procedure to replace a tooth that had been extracted in a surgery that you had years ago.

Questions to ask when choosing a plan

Before selecting a plan, it’s best to know what types of sports and activities you and your travel buddies will be enjoying when you’re overseas. These are just some of the questions for you to consider when picking a travel insurance plan:

  • What sports and activities will I be engaging in on my holiday?
  • What sports and activities do my friends have planned? Make sure you ask them about their holiday plans to be certain that they don’t have any surprise activities up their sleeves. A spur of the moment decision to play a sport that you’re not covered for might be fun, but would you really want to take such a risk?
  • What types of equipment, footwear, or protective clothing will you need for your preferred activities?
  • Do you need a licensed tour guide or instructor for any of your leisure activities? If so, have you checked that the person is in fact certified?
  • What are the depths of my dives, altitudes of my hikes, or distances of my competitions? These types of details all need to be established before choosing your plan.

Travel insurance tip 2: Where urgent medical assistance is required, get in touch with our 24-hour Emergency Assistance Team as soon as reasonably possible before incurring medical costs. For more information on what to do please refer to the section titled, ‘Health conditions & your policy’ in your Policy Wording.

A couple backpacking in the mountains
A couple backpacking in the mountains. Photo credit: Getty images / Jordan Siemens

Overseas activity tips to help you have a safer experience

Are you fit enough for that?

Overseas holidays offer a selection of leisure activities, many of which you may not have ever tried. Before you go trying new experiences, think about your fitness and plan your activities accordingly. Whatever you’re planning, make sure it’s something you’re physically capable of.

The right gear

When participating in a sport or activity, always wear safety gear. For example, wear a helmet when cycling or riding a scooter. Before embarking on that mountain climbing expedition, ask yourself if you have the right equipment required for such an undertaking.

Your activity operator should be certified/accredited

Make sure operators are certified and/or accredited by the appropriate body. For example, diving instructors should be registered with the Professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI). 

Keep a watch on your sporting equipment

Nothing beats the feeling of elation that comes from being victorious in a game of sport. Yet before you rush off to hit the bar with your teammates, it’s a good idea to lock up any sporting equipment first. All too often valuable sporting gear and bags are left unattended or even worse, forgotten about.

Opportunistic thieves can take advantage of these situations. No matter how safe you think your sporting gear is, never leave it unattended. If you can’t take your equipment with you or back to your hotel, then place it in a locker or keep it locked in a room.

This is a summary only. It does not include all terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions of the plans described. Please refer to the Policy Wording for complete details of cover and exclusions. If you are unsure of your level of travel cover, please contact us for help.

Get a quote today and find out if our policies are right for you.

World Nomads covers more than 150 activities and sports, and if it’s not on the list you can contact us and we’ll let you know if we’ll cover it. You can read more about coverage for some specific activities to see the activities covered by the plans available to you.

We offer cover for:

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Overseas medical assistance
  • Cancellation
  • Baggage

I bit on something hard

A bone chipped my front tooth, on the top row, and cracked it. Blood started to run down so I had an emergency visit to the dentist to repair it.
Claim paid: USD $82.33
B.P. U.S Resident in South Africa.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.


Here are our most frequently asked questions about adventure activities and sports insurance. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Helpdesk or you can ask our customer service team

Photo © IStock/Getty

Adventure Sports and Activities

Travel insurance designed for adventures while traveling.

    Trusted by:

  • Trusted by:

When planning an overseas holiday, it’s not always easy to decide on the types of activities you’re going to do. This is why we’ve designed our travel insurance plans to offer cover for more than 150 adventure sports and activities from hiking, zip lining, dog sledding, scuba diving, snow skiing, white water rafting and more.

Your coverage will vary according to whether you choose a Standard or an Explorer plan, so its important to take the time to understand what activities you are likely to do, and the difference between our plans.

Adventure sports, travel insurance and what’s covered by our plans

The following is a small sample of what World Nomads plans offer (up to the benefit limits):

Emergency medical and evacuation coverage: if at any time during your trip, you or any of your travelling companions becomes sick or injured, then you’ll need to contact our 24/7 Emergency Assistance team right away. They can help to locate the nearest hospital or medical centre and will facilitate your repatriation back to New Zealand if your treating doctor believes this to be medically necessary.

Trip cancellation coverage: if you or anyone in your party gets sick or injured and you need to cancel your holiday plans, we may cover the non-refundable travel expenses. Please note, travellers must have already been issued with a Certificate of Insurance from World Nomads to have cancellation coverage available to them. 

Coverage for extended stays: if you’re having an awesome time on your trip and choose to delay your return home to New Zealand, then you may be eligible to extend your travel insurance policy. You must not have had any change to your health, submitted a claim or intend to and are 69 years old or younger at the time to be eligible to extend. This must be done prior to 11:59pm on the return date that is listed on your policy. The policy may be extended for a total of 12 months from the start date that is indicated on your Certificate of Insurance.

Coverage for baggage and personal belongings: if your baggage or personal items are lost, damaged or stolen, then you’ll need to submit receipts, along with police reports or statements from your carrier (if the belongings were lost in transit).

The features and benefits described are a summary of cover only. Cover is subject to the full terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions outlined in the Policy Document.

a couple snorkelling
A couple snorkelling. Photo credit: Getty images / isitsharp

What activities are covered?

Kiwis are well known around the world for their love of the outdoors, sports and trying new experiences. During your holiday, you may wish to try activities and sports that aren’t commonly done back home in New Zealand. 

Before purchasing your travel insurance policy, check your Policy Document to make sure that all the sports and activities that you intend to do are covered. World Nomads provides travel insurance for over 150 activities, sports and experiences. While this list might seem immense, it doesn’t cover everything. That’s why you should never take for granted that your preferred activities will be covered.

The following are only some of the many sports and activities covered under our policies:

  • Kayaking
  • Hiking
  • Surfing
  • Sandboarding
  • Snorkelling

An upgrade for certain sports may be required and terms and conditions apply for each sport. Check your policy for details or contact us if you have questions.

Questions to ask when choosing a plan

When hunting around for a travel insurance policy, you might be tempted to take the most cost-effective cover without reading through the Policy Document first. There are different policies to cover different types of holidays, and although reading this document can be a tedious task, it’s best to familiarise yourself with all the benefits, policy limits and exclusions before you purchase your cover.

World Nomads offer two travel insurance plans, the Standard Plan and the Explorer Plan. Both plans may offer protection for many of the same types of risks and can cover the costs associated with hospitalisation, repatriation, replacing lost baggage, as well as other unplanned for expenses.

However, the Explorer Plan offers a wider level of cover, with a greater range of benefits, and higher policy limits. For instance, you might wish to include cover for hiking or diving on your trip. Therefore, when choosing between the two plans, you would need to know the exact altitudes of your hiking trips and the depths of your planned dives.

As with many of the other activities that we cover, there are different levels of cover for hiking. For example, thinking rips to an altitude of 2,000 metres is classed as Level 1. Hikes to an altitude of 6,000 metres are listed as Level 3. While there is no cover under our policies for hiking expeditions that exceed an altitude of 6,000 metres.

Before choosing the right type of cover for your holiday, you need to research the details of any activities, sports, and tours you will be participating in, to make sure you make you have an adequate level of cover.

When deciding which policy is best suited to your adventures you might want to consider:

  • What kind of activities will I be doing on holiday?
  • What activities are my travel buddies planning?
  • What cover do the two different plans offer for these activities?
  • What exclusions might apply?

Note: It’s important you choose your policy carefully as you can’t upgrade from a Standard Plan to an Explorer Plan mid-trip.

A couple backpacking in the mountains
A couple backpacking in the mountains. Photo credit: Getty images / Jordan Siemens

What’s not covered

Here are just a few examples of what is not covered under our plans. Please refer to your policy for the complete list.

  • Existing medical conditions: cover is usually not offered for existing medical conditions. Although, there's automatic cover for over 40 existing medical conditions when certain criteria are met. Please check your PDS for the full details.
  • If you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
  • If you do not use a professional qualified and licenced guide or operator where required.
  • Any search or rescue operations to find or rescue you from a life-threatening situation.
  • If you refuse to be repatriated or evacuated for further treatment on the reasonable recommendation of the 24/7 Emergency Assistance Team.
  • Damage to sporting equipment while in use.
  • Unattended baggage or personal items.
  • You are behaving in a reckless manner, or your actions are in breach of the local laws.
  • If you participate in any sport or engage in any activity on a professional basis during your overseas holiday.

Overseas adventure activity tips to help you have a safer experience

Here are some general tips for New Zealand travellers to keep in mind.

Be careful with valuables - wallets poking out of back pockets or unzipped handbags displaying the contents inside are irresistible attractions for pickpockets and muggers. Keep all valuable items safely concealed on your body, or securely locked away in your hotel room when you don’t require them.

Listen to local news updates - during your stay in any country, make sure you pay attention to local news broadcasts, including weather updates. If a violent storm is expected to blast the region in the coming days, then it’s probably wise to postpone any outdoor activities or adventures you had planned until a later date.

Only work with qualified and licensed instructors - if you are planning to participate in any activities that require an instructor, then you should investigate whether that instructor has received the right training. They must be qualified and licenced to lead hiking, diving, abseiling, or other types of tours and be registered with the governing association for their recreational activity.

There may be specific terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions that apply depending on what you'll be doing. Of course, always read the full terms, conditions limitations and exclusions in the plan you choose so there’ll be no surprises if you need to use it. If you are unsure of your level of travel cover, please contact us for help.

The information provided is of a general nature and is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute financial advice in any form, and should not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining professional advice that is specific to your circumstances. You should seek advice from a financial advice provider if you would like further information about whether a particular product is appropriate for you and your circumstances.

World Nomads covers more than 150 activities and sports, and if it’s not on the list you can contact us and we’ll let you know if we’ll cover it.

You can read more about coverage for some specific activities, or select your Country Of Residence and click here to see the activities covered by the plans available to you.

We offer cover for:

  • 24/7 Emergency Assistance
  • Overseas medical assistance
  • Cancellation
  • Baggage

I bit on something hard

A bone chipped my front tooth, on the top row, and cracked it. Blood started to run down so I had an emergency visit to the dentist to repair it.
Claim paid: USD $82.33
B.P. U.S Resident in South Africa.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Unexpectedly hospitalised?
  • Travel buddy unfit to travel?
  • Close relative suddenly dies?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Need meds quick?
  • Accidentally injured?
  • Suddenly sick?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Banged up abroad?
  • Need a hospital urgently?
  • Medivac home?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Passport or tech stolen?
  • Airline lost your gear?
  • Bags delayed?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers and intrepid families. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.


Here are our most frequently asked questions about adventure activities and sports. You can also find the answers to other questions in our Helpdesk or you can ask our customer service team