Photo © ViewApart/IStock

Histórias verdadeiras do departamento de Sinistros

Qualquer coisa pode acontecer em uma viagem (e acontece).

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Leia os melhores depoimentos dos piores casos que nós tratamos ao longo dos anos.

Travel Insurance Benefits: how we can take care of you

Trip Cancellation

Been working hard for your trip?

We'll work hard to protect it.

Trip Protection
  • Você ou sua família estão doentes, feridos ou mortos?
  • Perdeu seu emprego?
  • Teve sua casa destruída?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Expenses

Feeling fit and healthy? What if you get sick or injured?

Take the pain out of medical or dental costs.

Emergency Medical Insurance
  • Precisa de medicamentos?
  • Sofreu um acidente?
  • Ficou doente?

We’ve got your back.

Emergency Medical Transportation

Know where the nearest hospital is?

Don’t stress, we’ll get you there quickly.

Evacuation and Repatriation
  • Se acidentou no exterior?
  • Precisa urgentemente de um hospital?
  • Impossibilitado de prosseguir viagem?

Help starts here.

Protect your gear

Love photography, filming or sport?

Cover your bags, tech or gear.

Protect your gear
  • Suas malas sumiram?
  • Não encontra sua bagagem?
  • Malas danificadas?

Help starts here.

  • Emergency Overseas Medical & Dental Expenses
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation & Repatriation
  • Trip Cancellation or Interruption
  • 24-Hour Assistance Services
  • Baggage
  • And more (depending on your country of residence)
*This is a general summary only. Restrictions, exclusions and limitations will apply. Coverage may not be available for all countries, states or provinces. Benefit limits may vary depending on the plan chosen. Get a quote for full details.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Seguro Viagem Simples & Flexível.

Seguro Viagem para viajantes independentes e famílias aventureiras. Ninguém pensa sobre o que pode dar errado em uma viagem, mas imprevistos podem acontecer. Esteja preparado e adquira seu seguro viagem agora mesmo.

Photo © StockStudioX/Getty Images

Acidente de bicicleta nos Estados Unidos

Como cuidamos deste cliente quando fraturou as costelas nos EUA

Eu estava andando de mountain bike numa trilha quando uma árvore apareceu no meu caminho. Com o impacto, o guidão da minha bicicleta torceu, se projetando abruptamente nas minhas costelas antes de eu sair voando. Eu senti muita dor, mas não haviam contusões externas, nada aparente. Eu imaginei que mesmo que eu tivesse quebrado uma costela, não havia nada que alguém pudesse fazer, por isso não eu procurei atendimento médico. Duas semanas depois eu ainda estava com a mesma dor de quando o acidente ocorreu - e sentia muitas dores na região do adbômen. Quando eu comecei a ter espasmos musculares ao redor das costelas, eu comecei a me preocupar e achar que algo estava errado, então fui para o hospital mais próximo onde fui informado de que eu tive várias costelas fraturadas.

Canadense nos Estados Unidos.

Como a World Nomads ajudou

Atendimento médico hospitalar, incluindo tomografia computadorizada e radiografia de tórax.


Precisa fazer um pedido de reembolso?

A solicitação acima pode ser diferente da sua mesmo que a mesma coisa tenha acontecido com você. Seu seguro viagem explica o que está e não está coberto e se alguma condição ou limite se aplica. Entre em contato se você tiver dúvidas sobre as nossas coberturas ou se precisar de ajuda para fazer uma solicitação de reembolso.

Cobrimos mais de 180 esportes e atividades que nossos nômades amam

Snow 28 activities
Water 38 activities
Air 9 activities
Land 61 activities
Sports 54 activities
Experiences 8 activities
  • Scuba diving
  • Surfing
  • Snowboarding
  • Skiing
All activities are included in the Standard, Explorer and Explorer Plus Plans.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Seguro Viagem Simples & Flexível

Seguro Viagem para viajantes independentes e famílias aventureiras. Ninguém pensa sobre o que pode dar errado em uma viagem, mas imprevistos podem acontecer. Esteja preparado e adquira seu seguro viagem agora mesmo.

Photo © StockStudioX/Getty Images

Biking injury in the USA

How we helped when this nomad got their ribs fractured in the USA

I was out mountain biking in the elements… when a tree got in my way. On impact, the handle bars of my bike twisted, bluntly jutting into my ribs before I went flying. I was in a lot of pain but there was no external bruising. I figured that even if I had broken a rib, there was nothing much anyone could do, so I didn’t seek medical attention. Two weeks later, though, I was still in just as much pain as when the accident had happened — and my internal organs felt painful, too. When I started having muscle spasms near my ribs I started to worry that something might be wrong, so I went to a nearby hospital. After initial concern that I had damaged my spleen, I was told I had multiple fractures in my ribs.

Canadian in the USA.

How World Nomads helped

Hospital medical care including CAT scan and chest X-ray.


Need to make a claim?

This World Nomad’s claim may be different, even if the same thing happened to you. Your travel insurance policy explains what’s covered, what’s not covered and if any conditions or limits apply. Ask us if you have questions about coverage or need help to make a claim.

We cover 180 activities you love + more

Snow 28 activities
Water 38 activities
Air 9 activities
Land 61 activities
Sports 54 activities
Experiences 8 activities
  • Scuba diving
  • Surfing
  • Snowboarding
  • Skiing
All activities are included in the Standard, Explorer and Explorer Plus Plans.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.

Photo © Markus Faymonville/IStock

Dengue na Bolívia

Como ajudamos este viajante quando ficou com dengue na Bolívia

Eu estava viajando pela Bolívia quando eu tive uma forte dor de cabeça e meu corpo parecia estar congelando apesar do calor que estava fazendo lá fora. Eu comecei a tremer incontrolavelmente e meus dentes batiam tanto que quase mordi minha língua. Fui ao hospital mais próximo onde fui rapidamente atendido e diagnosticado com Dengue e febre de 40-41°C. Australiano na Bolívia.

Como a World Nomads ajudou

Atendimento hospitalar e passagens aéreas de volta para casa.


Precisa fazer um pedido de reembolso?

A solicitação acima pode ser diferente da sua mesmo que a mesma coisa tenha acontecido com você. Seu seguro viagem explica o que está e não está coberto e se alguma condição ou limite se aplica. Entre em contato se você tiver dúvidas sobre as nossas coberturas ou se precisar de ajuda para fazer uma solicitação de reembolso.

Cobrimos mais de 180 esportes e atividades que nossos nômades amam

Snow 28 activities
Water 38 activities
Air 9 activities
Land 61 activities
Sports 54 activities
Experiences 8 activities
  • Scuba diving
  • Surfing
  • Snowboarding
  • Skiing
All activities are included in the Standard, Explorer and Explorer Plus Plans.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Seguro Viagem Simples & Flexível

Seguro Viagem para viajantes independentes e famílias aventureiras. Ninguém pensa sobre o que pode dar errado em uma viagem, mas imprevistos podem acontecer. Esteja preparado e adquira seu seguro viagem agora mesmo.

Photo © Markus Faymonville/IStock

Dengue Fever in Bolivia

How we helped when this nomad got dengue fever in Bolivia

I was in the middle of a trip to Bolivia when I got this massive headache and my body felt like it was freezing even though it was hot outside. I began to shiver uncontrollably, and my chattering teeth almost caused me to bite my tongue off. I went to the local hospital where they easily identified that I had Dengue Fever and a temperature of 40-41 Celsius.

Australian in Bolivia.

How World Nomads Helped

Hospital treatment and flights home. 

CLAIM PAID: AUD 1.859,04

Need to make a claim?

This World Nomad’s claim may be different, even if the same thing happened to you. Your travel insurance policy explains what’s covered, what’s not covered and if any conditions or limits apply. Ask us if you have questions about coverage or need help to make a claim.

We cover 180 activities you love + more

Snow 28 activities
Water 38 activities
Air 9 activities
Land 61 activities
Sports 54 activities
Experiences 8 activities
  • Scuba diving
  • Surfing
  • Snowboarding
  • Skiing
All activities are included in the Standard, Explorer and Explorer Plus Plans.

24/7 emergency assistance

Whether you need medical assistance or emergency evacuation, our teams are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year before and during your trip.

Are you in need of emergency assistance right now?

Contact the team

Travel insurance. Simple & flexible.

Travel insurance for independent travelers. Nobody wants to think about all the things that could go wrong on their trip, but these things can and do happen. So be prepared and get your travel insurance today.